Saturday, March 14, 2020

12, 637. RUDIMENTS, pt. 992

RUDIMENTS, pt. 992
(no  words for this time of life)
I didn't always know where
to turn, and whenever that
happened I just went deeper
into things to study. I guess
maybe it was assumed that,
in such moments, a person
would instead turn to the
assigned 'Spiritual Director,'
who was supposed to be able
to guide us each through our
troubles and distractions. My
guy was named Father Jude  -
'Jude,' in Cathlolicism, is, by
the way, the 'Patron Saint of
Lost causes.' Really! What's
that tell you? I never thought
it would even be worth the
try. The Catholic thing has
a million of these saints, like
one for every cause. We used
to eat our meals, certain times
of year, in silence, while
someone read, up at a podium,
aloud, from a small book
called 'Lives of the Saints.'
A different episode or two,
each day. There was a saint
for everything  -  Patron
Saint of Fisherman; farmers;
warriors; weavers. It was crazy.
What made it even crazier was
how it reflected absolutely nothing
of the modern world, which, it
seemed to me, was a lot more
in need of Patron Saints for
race-car drivers, slot-car guys,
gamblers and pimps, than it
was for lepers and jousters.
Maybe by now they've fixed
that up  -  even if they just
reached the 1950's, there
could be a Patron Saint for
machine gun killers, mass
murderers, and atomic bomb
droppers. How about moon
travelers and astronauts? They
too probably need one.
Each of these stories, many of
them anyway, often had grisly
ends, vaguely tied in with the
connection to the patron saint
things. It was pretty crazy, and
we were expected to eat during it
too! And in silence no less! Not
even laughter was allowed!
Some poor early Christian
fanatic, claiming visions of
Jesus' mother, gets his skin
peeled off with little knives
and needles, and then gets
thrown into the fire  -  and he
becomes the Patron Saint of
Needleworkers and the Needle
Trades. Go figure. Might as
well have also been the one
for firemen too. The whole
twisted set-up of religion like
that made little sense to me;
in fact it seemed already
perverted, a lost claimant to
a means that justified only a
made-up ends. And there I
was, smack-dab in the middle
of it, and stuck. I wasn't 'stuck,'
per se. I could have left freely
at any time, I guess, with the
proper preparations  -  others
had done it. You'd wake up
one day and Fred Poncet
from Illinois would be gone.
Bed unused; locker emptied.
But I didn't have the energy
nor interest for that. I'd figured
to just stick around and see what
came. In fact, when certain
people used to tell me they
thought I'd have been a death
by suicide of my own by now,
I always say 'I want to stick
around to see how this thing
ends up.' Same deal. As it was,
it lasted a few more years, and
then they just told me to get
lost anyway. I was a 'bad fit,'
and should go home for the
break and think about my
'vocation,' and maybe not
return. So, I followed
I thought about my 'vocation.'
I also thought about what a
stupid-ass effeminate mess I
was in the middle of. I didn't
fit? I also thought about girls.
And why I'd ever want to
willingly cut myself of from
them for the sake of piety,
false idols, distraction, bingo
halls, and swooning old ladies
pretending at a death-defying
salvation by way of religion,
mass, hero-worship and fake
bread, and wine. I didn't fit?
I figured, yeah, many of these
guys did know about fit, but
it was the wrong hole.
Vocation? Vacation?
The thing about a lot of this 
Catholic misery stuff, and I'm
being perfectly blunt about it,
from full experience and just
saying my piece, is that it's
rooted very deeply in sexuality.
A sort of sexuality that the church
people have never rightly figured
how to deal with. Flat out, at
bottom, that's the crux of the
problem. (That might be a pun).
I'm certainly not here excusing
perversion, lust, or crazy, mad
sex, but what I am saying is that
in a Human life, initially, and
continuously, 'sex' throws up a
big smokescreen, and if it's not
dealt with, correctly and face to
face, it's a problem. Any of those
really weird, early-sainted females,
like St. Theresa of Avila, or a few
others too that come to mind, their
claims to fame became no more
than twisted scene of orgasms with
a secret Jesus. There's one saint,
I forget, from Lascaix or somewhere,
who writhed in bed for years, in
love and ecstasy with her Lord and
Savior, who granted her sexual
pleasure and the forever but still
fleeting paroxyzms of fervor. No
different from any weird sex scene,
but handled, and then made revered,
in such bizarre ways that I could
never understand how the 'Church'
could come up with and then
tolerate all that gibberish, And
then 'indoctrinate' their stupid
faithful ('doctrine' being the
root of indoctrinate). These stories
were almost gruesome, or sadistic,
in their details. That's spiritual
health? No, that craziness, sorry.
And yet, again, there I found myself,
growing right into the middle of it.
Comedy, to the rafters! It was all
I could do to stay sane. Don't get
me wrong, I found my ways  -  as
I've gone over, the farm work, art,
Mike and his music, the stage and
drama stuff. I was about as far away
from the real material at hand,
religious wise, as I could be and
still have my feet in the seminary
grounds. It wasn't just me either.
I'd say there were 5 maybe 6 of
us, all pretty much iconoclastically
going through the same routine.
We talked, but we never really
made a gang of it; just loose
guys, staying loose. If any
one of us had set out to explain
it to another of us, it would 
have failed. There were, truly,
no words for this time of life.

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