Sunday, March 15, 2020

12,640 IN BETWEEN LINES (Emmet Kelly)

(Emmet Kelly)
A fashion of oaf, a season of winces,
the smattering of applause in an
otherwise quiet place. I am surprised
by most anything now. An old guy,
wearing rags, is talking about his
life as a clown; the circus, up each
year from Florida, where they always
Wintered. Practicing a suspended
animation until mid April came.
Practicing the practice of a quick-erect
of tents. Walking with the elephants,
and learning to play the lions and play
the clown. Jamming themselves into
tiny circus cars and pretending they
didn't hurt. The world's most famous 
clown, he knew him too. I'd forgotten
the name until he brought it up anew.

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