Monday, March 30, 2020


If you were true to me you wouldn't be
sending me mental images. I'm kept
up by them, deep into the night. I
had a time I just recalled. It was Lou
Reed, but I introduced him as David 
Byrne because I was out of my head
in drunkland and said 'I imagine he'd
rather be introduced as anything but as
the frontman for his group 'The Talking
Heads.' He laughed, and walked up
to the stage. But first (?) first, he went
to the sidewall and took painting off
that wall and gave it to me and when
I looked I realized it as one of my own
and I said 'How'd you get that, from
here?' But it really was him, there
was no Lou Reed that night at all.
He came up to me as I realized he had
built this place and this stage and room
were his, and in the ceiling, suspended,
was this large green and yellow mechanism,
sort of a big, circular wheel with a hose
attached and the hose had a mouthpiece
and he gave it to me and it was one of
those gases that make your voice sound
funny and go high. He laughed again,
and took a long drag himself. And he
had that gas-funny voice and said 'This
is how we do it now,' and started singing.
I, by contrast found I'd lost my voice
and couldn't do a thing. Or say. He was
singing about his 'large automobile,' that
song where it goes, 'This is not my large
automobile,' and I remembered I'd left
my Oldsmobile running outside in some
gas station lot, and I was sure it was towed.
Going outside, fast, to get it, I saw I was
running in the wrong direction down a
street I didn't know, and even though that
was so I could see my destination getting 
closer. Whew ! I was sure confused. The
theater was looming up behind me, and I
could hear that funny voice of his, and the
gas station was crowded with cars, all
parked, and mine was locked into the
middle, like in one of those puzzles where
you have to move one, slide another, move
another, etc. But I couldn't do a thing. It
was after hours and I had no key, having
left the Oldsmobile running?

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