Monday, March 16, 2020


I wasn't watching but I went
somewhere : The eye, always out,
looking for something. As with old
cloths on a new table, no one cared
and just kept on eating. The waiter
brought a tray. I knew what to say.
Carbine to carabinieri, that's the
way it runs. Cookie crumbles on
painted lips; she's got crumbs but
it looks so good.
Here's the ending, way early, lads ;
Let's go home to Sunnyland; read the
reference books for corpocalypse
madness, insensitive deviancy, and
split-level stark tendentiousness.
Hundreds can die of hunger; no
one blinks. 
Cookies crumble on painted lips.
She's got crumbs but it looks so hip.
The more I think, the less I know.
That's the way it runs. I'll stay right
here, to go down with the ship. 

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