Monday, March 23, 2020

12,661. HEADLOCK

Now I've broken all the gauges on this
infernal meter and have nowhere more
to go; and there's none who can fix it,
the connections are crossed, the amp
blew two fuses and the light's getting
low. A magistrate sent a registered
letter : I'm being sued once again
for non-compliance.
It's not that I worry, but they always
do get their sanctioned way. I haven't
money to fight this stuff. My dreams 
aren't  helping either  -  last night I 
dreamed of a lawyer I once knew. He 
wasn't that friendly at all, just told me
to 'learn to park,' after I tapped his
Volvo waiting in line. No damages,
to neither his, nor mine.
I awoke quite confused, not even
sure, at first, where I was. The dog
licked my face, I remembered a few 
things, and got up. It all seemed
straight again.

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