Sunday, March 8, 2020

12,619. RUDIMENTS, pt. 986

RUDIMENTS, pt. 986
('where do you come up with this stuff?)
One time I was talking with
my wife, about something, I
forget, (and this wasn't that
long ago either), and I said,
'God don't know nothing about
electricity. God don't even know
what an anode is'.  She said
right back to me, 'Oh yes God
does. He made all those plans
and layouts for the Temple, all
those cubits and measurements.
I bet he even had it electrified!'
We were driving somewhere
and that time and I just about
wanted to pull over and just
say, 'Get out!'  -  it was that
crazy. Plus it hit me that there
was probably a chance that
she was more right then wrong.
But, what do I know. The point
was, I had hit the sweet spot,
again, where definitions come
into play. So I pushed it along,
[two further points here; 1. An
anode is terminal end, on a
battery; and, 2. I was always
pulling that 'get out of this car
and start walking home,' routine
with her. It was our own little
joke. I don't want anyone to
think I was serious]. My point
was then to tell her how she was
probably right, but not for her
version of God. The expanded,
outside, other-world being(s) we
proscribe as 'God' probably and
actually DID arrive here with
their black-box anodes and
battery packs, etc, powering all
sorts of things early Humankind
saw as magical  -  burning bushes,
flying crafts and modules, etc.,
things whirring and 'moving'
while standing in place. That's
all easy, and the bible describes
all these whirlwinds and whooshing
and burning things twenty times
over and more. (By the way, if
you notice, while reading of these,
they're always 'burning' but never
burning out). It's just that readers'
eyes are closed to it all because
they first have to have it fit their
standard narrative, which narrative
taken over by churches and dogmas,
and common falsehoods, never
actually allow for Truth.
Point again? To tell her that she'd
hit upon it; her great leap, unwittingly,
had brought her far  -  like getting
Godiva Chocolate from a Hershey
Bar. Now there's a miracle for you!
So I had to figure   - since we still
had a lot of driving ahead  -  should
I let it go, and push it, and her, along
a little more. I went for 'push.' I said
'Let's pre-suppose that your God,
(version A) decided, by your story line,
to imbue his new creatures with what
you guys call 'Free Will,' which, by
the way, I also refute, but that's another
story. (She was listening raptly). If you
get started with the free will stuff, than
'God' wouldn't necessarily have to
know about electricity, because it's
a use of Humankind's choosing. If
God knew of it or knows of it, then
there is no free will, for it was
already there. If that same God
really had its druthers, it would not
have needed to create a thing other
than the one, first, initial Human, and
just instill in that human the possibilities
of realizing and accepting all other
things as they occur; as in, 'Yes. I
understand Water. And I 'understand'
atoms.' Which of course is untrue.
Would then God have created lies?
Creating, ONCE, an 'individual'
which would accept all this is
all that was needed. God does
not do superfluous things? We
call the superfluous things Faith,
in order to gloss over them.
Of course, in the story we have
created, in order to create this
God, it only brings us to Noah,
at the flood, and to the very
small geography of the Israel
tale. Small beans indeed, and
quite presumptive too. That,
again, drops the entire ball at the
flood, and then we or someone
needs to start all over? That
doesn't wash either. Plus, one
really does  -  let's face it  -  in 
these stories of biblical proportions,
leave plenty of room for aliens,
alien beings ON Earth, and alien
skycraft, at all times. And one needs,
just as really, a far broader view
than a localized Israeli one about
place and time and God, (Version A 
here), interacting within, and by that,
influencing, human affairs. Which
makes no sense at all, again, in view
of the aforementioned Free Will. What
is it that people want? No God? Or
and active God still in their affairs?
All this activity, at ONE time, covered
areas which are now Peru, North America,
East and Southern Africa, Australia; any
number of operations concurrent with 
each other to advance this stupid crew 
of humanoids left down on the ground
and still stupidly breeding. These story
lines surely need an updating, in light
of our new evidences and findings
and revelations. Yes! That word! So,
any version of Deity here would most
certainly have controlled destinies and 
commanded anodes and electrical
currents. And remember, that electricity
upon which we so depend is generated
secretly and by the ether around us,
invisibly and super-constantly, in
ways we don't even glimmer of, but
just pretend by naming. Atoms? 
Molecules? Dear God, they tell us
that matter is made of up things that
are not really solid, infinitely small,
and constantly on the move; and that
the table I place things upon is (truly)
not what it seems. Thank you. This
is my exit ramp; I must get off.

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