Monday, March 23, 2020

12,662. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,001

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,001
('deliver us from evil?')
Is this the time we should
thank local officials, while
they try to keep everyone
apart, for building cheek-
by-jowl, low-class housing
projects? Is the time ripe now
for us to thank them for investing
so much debt and money into
new schools and 'physical'
plants for non-learning except
as baby-sitting, and enforced
social conditioning, and then
having them all closed up?
Had we a more normal, strong
and individualistic system of
home learning in place, with
half-intelligent parents and
non-distracted, not sugared-up
kids, railing at walls and windows
while clutching their electronic
distractions and TV minefields,
there would be stronger people
growing to maturity, rather than
the maniacs and shoppers we have
now, brawling and screaming for
their paper-products, candies and
jellies, and restaurant poisons.
Yes, let's give them all a real
I wonder how and if we've
changed, as a peoples (Humanity);
in light of out responses thus far,
I say not much. When I read the
daily plague-press, and see the
insipid and dumb, medieval,
reactions of peole, still and
unchanged from 700 years ago,
I cringe to realize that a belief
system such as that can continue.
"Some Egyptian Muslims expressed
certainty on social media that God
was smiting non-Muslim countires
by giving them the virus..." Oh, sure,
that'll work as a thought-process.
We thught it was them; they're saying
it's us? How do you find the truly
bad guy, dear God? In India, on the
other hand, they refuse to abide by
the new ruiles of no congregating,
and the rulers of the country are
letting the annual festival for Rama
go on. "People are getting the
opportunity to have glimpses of
Lord Rama (at his birthplace, the
festival), 'It's not appropriate to
deprive them of this opportunity."
OK. God, may all the sightings
be healthy ones. Shiite Mulsim
shrines in Iran, one of the countries
hardest hit, with two popular shrines
finally shuttered by the reluctant
government, were answered with
headlines that read, "The President
Is Wrong to Do That." As in America,
Mr. Mustafa, damned if you do and
damned if you don't. May they all rot
in Hell, and the good lord take them.
Here in America, "Rabbi David Lau,
the Ashkenazi chief rabbi in Israel,
called upon Jews to say 100 blessings
daily, as King David did when 
confronted with a plague. The Sephardic
chief rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef, urged Jews
'to petition the Almighty to stop the
epidemic and to leave his throne of
judgment and sit instead on the
throne of mercy.' The Coptic patriarch
of Egypt, Pope Tawadros II, said
the 'pandemic was a wake-up call
to repent.' And lastly, in Italy, where
people are not supposed to leave home
except for emergencies, Rev. Gaetano
Ceravolo said around 40 pilgrims
had trekked up to the shrine in the
Sicilian city of Palermo, to the
mountain sanctuary of Saint Rosalia,
who is believed to have saved
Palermo from a plague in 1625. 
"For us," said Francesco Tramuto.
"she's a friend, a  point of reference.
Others may be devoted to the Virgin
Mary, but for Palermo, she is the
expert in plagues."
OK, folks, really, this has to stop.
It's not the 1300's. The universe had
had a few forms of redefinition, sort
of since Galileo. Other realities come
first; magical thinking, gems, tiaras,
and crowns won't do it. What truly
irks, me, within all the wickedness
and iniquity of the world, is how 
these very same people pray and 
wail for things to return to 'as they 
were.' What the heck is with that?
For things to return to what they 
were? What God would want that?
We were in a shitload of trouble a
long time ago and just making it
worse years after year. Clamoring
for false kingdoms and lucre and
all that stuff. I would think any
God worth its salt would be glad
to thrown certain things overboard,
and even start again  -  as was shown
to have been in the Bible once or
twice, and that doesn't even include 
Sodom and Gomorrah. Pillar of 
salt indeed.
'Some sought earthly remedies
inspired by higher powers (
[the same ones that let Hindus
slaughter Muslims, and vice-versa,
and Christians slaughter Jews
and all the rest too]. Video emerged
last week of Hindu activists in
India drinking cow urine to stave
off the coronavirus. At the
Lebanese government hospital
where infected patients are being
treated, a woman recently arrived
carrying a mixture of holy water
and dirt dug from the mausoleum
of Saint Charbel, who is revered
among Lebanese Christians. Some
Christians were said to be drinking
similar solutions as a precaution.
Hospital administrators tested
the soil and, finding it unlikely to
cause any harm, consented to keep
it for any patients who might find it
comforting. Who were they to judge?,
a hospital official said. It was high
time, in any case, for a miracle.'
Let's ring up Saint Risible, Patron
Saint of Kool-Aid drinkers.
I never thought I'd live to see such
a bullshit era as this, Yet, for now,
here I am. Let's fuck up a few more
rivers and streams, and let's cut 
down a bunch more trees, before 
I go. Lets build more scrunched
in a jumble ghetto compartments
for people to live in. That ought
to do it. Business as usual.

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