Wednesday, March 4, 2020

12,609. RUDIMENTS, pt. 982

RUDIMENTS, pt. 982
(is that the way this game is played?)
There could be crazy days, and
in those it seemed as if everyone
was angry. New Yorkers, to put
it politely, sure did seem to have
the market on anger and hostility
all sewed up. There was a certain
strain of them, males anyway, that
always jumped out at me, by their
characteristics; and they were most
usually the noisiest, orneriest and
pushy of the bunch. I'd guess it was
2nd or maybe early third, generation
people, arrivals into NY from that
mass of immigration that had hit
the city - the big masses, the ones
you always read about. Maybe
post Civil War, 1880's, Germans,
Poles, Italians, Slavs. all those
people. They always had very
pronounced facial features, dead
giveaways to origin. It was weird:
Always the Italian guys, they
bugged me the most. In fact, they
got pestilential in their annoyance.
I swear I'd never be like that; they
were way more severe versions of
my own father, by personality. And
maybe looks too, but not so much.
Roman noses, swarthy complexion
and sleek hair, but always trying
to make up for their American
ignorance by some older form of
bluster. Maybe that made sense in
Europe, I figured  -  all those Huns
and such, blazing across the northern
plains on their steeds and large,
swung, swords. Campfires and
peat bogs and river hovels. But
none of that worked here, the
American fabric was just  of a
different weave, but these guys
could never see it. Always snotty,
in your face about something, and
possessed of some form of natural
superiority, by culture, in their
heads. Like the German guys and
all their bizarre foods and brauts
and sausages; or those same big
nose Italians and all their pasta
braggadocio. I always figured, if
one had to be Italian that was a
great last name to have. Luigi and
Carmella Braggadocio, hogging
up their ritual BS Sunday meals.
Everything was near-ritual with
them; you step out, just a bit, from
the ordinary, and they'd get you
for sure. If they were Chinese,
they'd be Ming the Merciless.
I always felt pretty helpless in the
face of all that. First off, I myself have
one of those stupid face-betraying
noses; and I was in-flight already
from any of those tendencies I just
mentioned. So, my eye was biased,
and my opinions were jaundiced.
Jaundice? That was one of those
medical words I had no clue about
except, when at home, in any of those
endless medical situations of my
mother, she or someone in the
hospital circle, whatever, would be
said to be doing 'OK, except that
yellow jaundice has set in.' What the
hell that ever was, I never knew.
Yellow? And then the word, 'jaundiced,'
I found later, was used as a negative
quality. Too deep for me to fathom.
'Full fathom five thy father lies : of
his bones are coral made. Those are
pearls that were his eyes.'
That's from  The Tempest, by Shakespeare.
I always liked that a lot; it was stirring
just to say those few words. The
whole of The Tempest was fine too,
yet just those few words, by themselves,
said so much to me about releasing
one's self from one's father. It was a
constant internal battle, and those words
so powerfully summed up all that had
to be cast off, scuttled, thrown over.
In later days, after I too had become
a father, I knew inherently that it had
been an error. I was not cut out for
Fatherhood. It had no part of me.
There were things about it all that I
neither understood, nor wanted to.
Fortunately, for all concerned, it
worked out, and as the years went
by all things fell into place. Yet,
to this day, those attachments and
the sentimentalities that go with it,
are not present. A lot of these older
guys I was with here, they all seemed
like cast-offs from that same world;
without connections, adrift, maybe
even lost. But what was lacking was
the need or the attraction for and of
others. Problem was, all of Society
had been foolishly structured around
the ideas of group, and solidarity
with others : family, kinships and
all that. A loner was stuck. As was
I, and these other guys too. That
never goes away, it's an inherent
characteristic of the personal fabric
of one's existence. I had more of a
connection, and got more pleasure
from, watching the Wintry nostrils
of those horses pushing out their
puffs of horse-breath. I loved to
watch the white smoke emitted.
So, a person slowly learns; place,
and definitions; the long line of
protocol that controls everything
that people do. I did it with Art
and with horses. People say
'Policemen are your friends.'
You hear that all along the way,
as a kid; and then you simply grow
up into the realization that that's the
sort of thing which is said to kids.
For no reason, and with no truth.
Just to keep them in place and show
them they're powerless. The cops
I saw were as slimy and could be
as crooked as any of the stuff
going on around. Like for a
politician, so the Law : the invisible
lubricant is 'palm oil.' From what
I saw, everyone could get away
with everything, if they oiled
up right. And that's just one little
aspect. As a Father, then, if you
know all this, what are you supposed
to do? Raise your kid as a criminal,
just to be truthful? Or go along
with the stupid falsity (falsities)
of school and home life, just to keep
the embittered social fabric going?
Holidays? Jubilees? Flag-waving
and salutes  -  it's all the same crap.
No one gets awarded for truth-telling.
The people honored and given the
accolades are the clowns and the
buffoons who can most successfully
play the sucker and lead others astray.
That's what Society wants and needs.
None of that behavior ever goes on
an upward trajectory; there's no new
'enlightenment' there; instead it makes
fools and peons out of others, while
proclaiming a bogus respect. The
only thing that aims high is Truth.
As painful as it ever may be.
If you have children, or, as I did,
a son, are you supposed to not let on
about how wicked, cruel, and false
everything is? That's a lethal game
of Society. In the Congress, they tell
to newly-elected legislators, 'To get
along, go along.' That's their actual
motto  --  meaning don't rock the
boat, go with the flow, keep your head
down, and let others lead; just follow.
It's the same with stupid Society.
You're supposed to lead an offspring
into something like that? I look around
me here, Woodbridge - there's another
cheap cop at every corner and intersection,
just sitting around, intent on nothing
but keep people in place; enforcing
bogus and bullshit laws, and protecting
'the lawmakers' above them in all those
little offices they represent. (And those
lawmakers are probably even cheesier
than are the slummy cops who cover
for them); Bloated and useless layers
and tiers of municipal personnel;
dollars fat-wasted at every turn. My
horse days, and the guys I was with,
compared to this, were lethal cons way
onto the game. They knew where the
horse-shit was; one way to put it. A
man's not supposed to own up to his
own kid about how shitty things are?
Is that the way this game is played?

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