Wednesday, March 18, 2020

12,646. RUDIMENTS, pt 996

RUDIMENTS, pt. 996
(you heard it here first)
Like scurvy and like tobacco,
certain things I shunned.
Awkwardly put, but I mean
to say it that way. I hated all
that crazy stuff that other people
did. The cigarette fetish,
well, back then that was
accepted everywhere.There
was a veritable blue cloud of
smoke and crud, ashtrays -
stand-up and countertop types -
people had lighters and matches,
crusty old guys walked around
with pipes in their mouths. They
also had yellowed teeth, weirdly
flattened and dried complexions
(from smoke), and that was just
the way it went. Cars had lighters
and ashtrays built in. A normal
person became inured to it
all, and a kid growing up just
figured it went with the territory
of adulthood. My 'spiritual director'
in the seminary, Fr. Jude, whom
I've already made mention  -  a
sort of in-house psychiatrist
open for consultation at all times  -
he was a constant pipe smoker.
Oral fixation? I probably could
have psychoanalyzed him!
I remember going to the
doctor's office and the doctor
would be smoking. Back when
Keith Hernandez was on the Mets,
I remember him always sneaking
smokes, between innings, on the
rear, hidden, steps of the dugout,
along the ramps to the players'
section. Everyone smoked and
disease was rampant and fun.
Sex was always accompanied by
a cigarette  -  if you remember
that Jack Nicholson joke in the
movie 'Chinatown,' which
'dirty' joke Evelyn Mulray walks
in on the telling of, in the office,
to one of his cronies. It was
about a guy having sex and
taking a cigarette break. I can
recall, NYC, people smoking
on buses, in taxis, everywhere
along the street, and forget
about bars and taverns and
restaurants. Those big, fat
French cigarettes were most
in demand at the Studio School
and the art-people crowd. Gauloise
and Gitane and, I think, Bicycle.
Imported brands. There was a
cool tobacco shop along 8th
street, filled with esoteric blends,
Turkish tobaccos and Metrozian
Shag, I think it was, and sort of
fine, hairy, tobacco for rolling
one's own cigarettes.
As it goes now, that's all changed,
and there's even movement underway
now to stop people from smoking
their flavored waters. Steampuffs
from grown boys; go figure. I
remember about 20 years ago on
some corer in Cranford, by the
train station, there was a small
sweet-shop or whatever and they
had all these Asian Indian flavored
and scented cigarettes for sale and
it caused a big uproar as a new threat
to minors, and they had the sale of
such stopped. Now, along with
weird-boy fly-by-night barber
places for indeterminate men who
don't need haircuts anyway, rather
'grooming,' there's an e-cig joint
on every third corner, also all
struggling for business. I used
to think the Military was the
employer of last resort these days;
but now that can just as easily be
said for people opening e-cig
outlets (and/or) men's grooming
salons. I do give up.
People basically have become
idiots. Why it's all tolerated is
beyond me. I really think we
could lose a million or two
people tomorrow and be better
for it. It's a funny world now,
to be sure, and one I'd never
thought I'd be alive to see. From
my angle, this is already pretty
deep into the 2000's, and damned
if I was ever sure I'd see 2020.
Bit I'm not sure it's all that worth 
it. It was back in the 1980's, I
can remember all these economics
people berating Americans for
their lousy savings rate. Of course
at the same time the only thing
America ever did was prod 
people into endless purchases 
of crap and the unending and 
ever-latest and better piles of 
shit they'd get that just ended
up who knows where anyway. 
They'd talk people down for not
saving, not maintaining fall-back
accounts, etc, and they'd compare
it all with the post-war German
'miracle' and all those frugal
wise people with a 6 or 8 percent
savings rate, compared to like 
maybe the 1 percent rate of 
Americans. They sure wanted
it both ways, and that was with
5 or 6 percent interest rates
on bank savings. What has
happened over the years since
then has been a complete Statist
takeover, for purposes of control
and manipulation, of our personal
lives. And in 'America,' no less, 
where, supposedly, the original
Constitution would never have
allowed that. It's insidious how it
was achieved; and they've done 
it! They've done it so much so
that at this late date they have
everyone cowering in fear, 
coercively, over some bogus,
manufactured disease scare,
being told what to do and when
and where. No one bats an eye.
We are led by the nose by the
medical industry, syndromes 
and sicknesses, and dependencies,
manufactured out of thin air. 
People have become enfeeble-ized,
passive and reticent to even
think. AND NOW, after 30
years of getting berated, having
our money taken from us, wasted
on wars and useless military crap,
supporting an understructure of
crippled war-wounded and
decimated for life leftovers,
they show no shame, this
Government, for what they have
done and how many they've
gotten killed and maimed, AND
finally having gotten savings
and accounts established (which
is what they pleaded for all these
years), the banks have all the 
money, and they drop interest
rates to zero! We are left with
nothing  -  just try to get your
money turned back into cash and
take it home with you. If there's
no real interest being paid, and
if there's a real plague underway,
what's the use of leaving your
money in the hands of a stupid
bank just loaning it away on you
on other bad-business schemes?
It's each or ours personal monies,
and it's no longer doing a thing
for us. I say let's all go get it,
make out withdrawals and screw
the banks and the system. If they
start saying they can't give us
our money, take them down. Or
is maybe that what all this gun
control stuff is about?
Plain old fear
Statism rules, and ruins, people's
minds. As a way to squelch any
resistance, they'll go to any means.
And furthermore, that's what this
whole illicit virus thing is all
about  - keeping people frantic and
distracted while they manipulate
for what they wish to do. It's
not this crisis that'll get us. I say
beware; while they have everyone
so busy, it's the next one that'll
get us. You watch, 8 or so months
from now and see. The  proverbial
'other shoe' is getting prepared to
be dropped. Democracy and our
Republic are both soon to be
dead ducks.
Remember, you heard it here, from
me, first. You flavored-steam puffs,
you dupes, you fall for anything
addicts. This should never have
happened. We should have been
men enough to take back our own
country long ago.

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