Saturday, April 4, 2020

12,705. I AM RE-VAMPED

Now here's quite a story. The
roadway was 287, near South
Plainfield I guess it is, where there
used to be an old farm right there,
at the curve for the exit, Maybe
it's Franklin. I'm not sure, except
that the old barn is gone now. I last
recall it in the 1970's. It always was
a glimmer to me of a world I'd never
seen; thinking of  that expanse as
farmland, recent, was difficult for
me to do. I remember when that
stretch of roadway opened, a friend
I knew, a friend of a friend actually,
who had a 1956 Buick, bet his friend
he could crack 100mph in that tub
of a Buick, along that straightaway.
The bet was, on I went along for the
ride. That year's Buick, the 1956, had
 a weird speedometer. It was horizontal,
and marked off, as usual, with lines,
but instead of a needle/arrow it had,
like a thermometer, a strip of red
mercury, or something, that showed
mph, again, like thermometer, the
speed, as if it was a temperature.
The car, back then, was probably
12 years old, maybe 13, I forget,
and it didn't seem built for any
'speed' at all. So we went; the guy's
name, what we called him, was
'Hodge.' That was his last name
too, so, no big shakes on that. He
was tooling along, and we watched,
60,70,80. It was happening. The
road was pretty empty, still being 
new. The car went through the 
90 mph section OK, and, I swear,
it seemed to peter out at 100. It
seemed it just couldn't make the 99,
I didn't care, it was cool enough
for me, no matter.
10 bucks was on the line, and these
two schmucks start going at it. It
cracked 100! It did not! Really, the
stupidest noise in the world. If I
was Solomon, or a diplomat or
whatever, I'd have said, 'Shut up.
Give him 5, and settle at 99mph.
OK?' But I wasn't, and they weren't
ready to settle. I forget what it all
ended up as, but no money changed
hands, they settled on some sort
of honorable disclaimer, we pulled
of the road, and Hodge, at a light,
jumped out to get a pack of cigarettes
at a corner store right next to the light.
Now THAT was fast. 60 seconds
later, he was back at the wheel, and
the light was turning green!

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