Wednesday, April 1, 2020

12,691. MANDALAY

The little trailer that says 
'The Ranch,' funny enough,
has cut down its fir trees. 
They were nice touches, at 
the corner, to at least give
a semblance of something
to Hiram's. Now they are 
not  -  though this funny
little trailer still lays claim
to 'The Ranch.' There's a
truck always there now,
across the way, that say,
'Avenel Paving.' Yuck.
What's the average life-span
of a junkyard, I want to know.
There must be someone who
keeps those records. The ones
right here have been here 60
years, and more, that I know
of. Weird how it seems that
nothing ever moves but when
you look in all the cars or new,
or recent anyway. What else
can they do, I wonder, with
all that burned ground, tarred
and patched with oils and gas.
Can't build a garden on the
Devils ass.

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