Monday, April 27, 2020

12,769. DON'T KNOW

Johnny Appleseed was a wastrel
and a drunk. Just as bad as me in
every way. He was a Chapman too,
you know, and like that politician
guy and like Wavy Gravy was. Hugh
Romney then. What is it with the
names we tender? And who wants 
them either? My best remembrance
ever was that alien guy, Fischbein,
or whatever it was. Another one
was Algernon Swinburne.
Can you imagine? Everywhere 
I used to walk I left something
of myself behind. There are
gratings on old sidewalks with
my name etched in. Glass panes
I used to Dremel, poems on
glass, words on no-matter.
Everything fades and goes away.
Even Rarleighbourne Fischbein.
And what do you know?

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