Monday, April 6, 2020

12,709. WHEN I GO

Remember me to the walls and
windows; the old outhouse across
the center-nine-line; we used to
plow that field yearly, through
1976, one after the other, all
those miserable 70's years. The
tractor stayed idling, while I
pissed where I chose. It was the
other stuff when I'd want the
door closed. Sure came in
handy, that old outhouse in
the farm field.
Remember me to Lenny Dykers.
The son-of-a-bitch could never
tell a joke, nor get one either.
He screwed everything up in
the telling, and was dense like
an ox. His girlfriend Oonya,
or Onya, whatever it was, wasn't
much better but at least she was
fun. A case for the grave, for
sure, she was.
That Reilly guy, I forget what it
was, Jeke, or Jake. Remember me
to him too. I still have his large
clippers, that he never took back.
Dropped them off one day, with a
big hello, saying how they'd been
his grandad's, from 1921. He said
they were good for limbs and treetops,
leverage was strong and the blades
bit well.  He said not to go too
high though, 'cause he'd heard
people fell. I never even did
use them, but he never returned.
Remember me to MaryBeth. I
put her panties on a limb once,
when we were done. I don't 
know how long they stayed 
there, but it was something 
everyone had done, for each 
time they got lucky. Those
woods were full of stuff, and
she could be a dream come 
true, for sure, and more.
If you ever see that guy they
called Melky Calhoun, give
him a twenty from me. I lost
it in a bet, one year, about a
race. Didn't have it then, the
money to pay. He was OK.
I guess I got it now, but it's
no use for me today.

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