Sunday, April 26, 2020


....Likes his things in order; no
accidental happenings or items
left unseen. Without foreknowledge,
he says, nothing at all should exist.
I want to resist, and say something
back, but Marvin's hard as a rock.
Solid as steel-rubbing. Stern as a
schoolmarm to, and as dense as 
a lunk. I say, loosen up. Simply
'No' is all he says.
It's trout season again! It's April.
I notice how (the signs say) this
year all fishing is forbidden. No
one pays that any mind, and they
get away with it. The guys at the
Rahway River, just yesterday,
were all parked at the curb and
prepping up at their trunks  -  the
worms and hooks and waders and 
all that. It was funny, and with
not a cop around. I was watching
them, making their then-quick
dash past the hedge rows and
down to the river. All done up,
they fished in a row. That would
have been just like Mighty Marvin
to say 'No, No, No!'

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