Wednesday, April 1, 2020


This one was about 4 minutes. 
They fell from the sky, whatever
they were, and once they landed,
fairly looking like droplets of
water, they expanded and in 
about 4 minutes each drop 
was a creature. A creature
which soon grew into a 
normal, human, height. of
either sex, and then seamlessly
became one of us; like nothing
out of the ordinary at all. They
each looked like, well, anyone.
I was told to watch the process;
as I myself slowly came back to
life; here. I wasn't here, of course,
since I was watching this on some
grassy field or somesuch. Wherever
they kept moving me. I was a young
kid, with a body over in that hospital
bed. I wasn't sure what was going on.
But, I never saw those people again,
(or did I?), and fell back, myself,
into a normal semblance, I guess,
of life. That too, I realized later
was sort of the same as they did.
Boy, this whole life is a chumfest.

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