Thursday, April 9, 2020

12,715. RUDIMENTS, pt 1,019

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,019
(I realized most people are boosters)
Back in that Amboy
hospital bed, I just mostly
stayed there thinking about
things. It was a long slow
mess of a recovery, especially
at first. Then it got simpler
the more I went along in
the healing process. Still
lots of things I don't
remember. Not to go all
anal about it, but, again,
I can't remember a thing
about bathroom stuff.
Or even the food; I recall
the nightly food and juice
carts, and I know the sorts
of things I had to eat, but
I can't recall the 'doing'
of it at all; not what they
do in a hospital, about
breakfast and lunch either.
I don't ever remember that.
Maybe it just got tuned out
because the entire thing
was such a miserable, sore,
endeavor. One thing that
stands out is the day I was
leaving. I remember my
mother bringing regular
cloths for me, in a paper
bag; a nice shirt, anyway;
underclothes, and some sort
of pants. I think I recall we
slit the right leg, up the seam,
to get over the cast I was
still wearing. I'd been in
a robe or a hospital gown
until then, for the longest
time. I can't remember any
of that either  -  I guess I
changed now and then, got
it laundered, and put a new
new one on, but I recall
nothing. Maybe the mind just
blanks of it out; all. The good,
what of it there was (can't
really recall that either), or
the bad. It all just got tiresome,
and I didn't even know any
more what living was for.
It was treated as a big deal 
too, with a sort of 'send-off.'
At the lobby doorway, some
nurses and helpers and all,
smiling and cheering me off 
(on?).  Even that Filipino nurse 
guy that bugged me was there. It
was all kind of nice  -  parents,
Grandma, blah blah. And then
I got rolled into... into.....into
Sunlight! The outdoors! Real
air! Boy I can remember all
that moment real well. Traffic
noise and car horns; a regular
symphonic roar for sore ears!
Years later, it all settled and
not a glimmer of thought traced
me, unless I went after it, to
think about by choice. My life
turned itself over and just  rolled
away. Same as with after the
seminary  -  once that entire
episode was out of the way, I
can't recall it ever being brought
up again in my 'family' situation.
Mother. Father. Siblings. Just as
if it had never happened and,
instead, I had a group of black,
voided years, that got skipped
over. It was also so funny how
that went; as if people were
afraid of what to bring up with
me, what to talk about. Train
wreck and injuries? Near-fatal
experience? Long coma?
Seminary? No one knew
where to take me, or where
I'd take them. So nothing was
ever brought up; always like
walking on glass.
One thing that was on my mind
sometimes was this whole Bible
thing. Every so often there be
some minister or priest traipsing 
through the ward, stopping here or
there with a little blessing or even
a scripture read. Accompanied by
a nurse or aide, as they walked 
along. I'd been told that I had, at
the scene, been given last rites  -
what the Catholics call it anyway.
Something too called 'Extreme
Unction.' What the hell that ever
was I never knew  -  a sort of
anointing of the pre-dead dead,
just before you're leaving the mortal
coil behind. Which I guess I never
did, but I got it anyway. I don't
know how long it lasts, or even
if they still do that whacky stuff,
but here I am. It was yet more 
of the mumbo-jumbo stuff, as
related to me, with oil, and a sash
of some sort, and Latin words
and holy water and all that. I'm
not one to be critical [laugh line;
audience roars!], but who in their
right mind dreamed that crap up?
How could countless, miserable,
generations of peons, serfs, slaves,
ordinary people, village-dwellers
and medieval slobs fall for any
of that. What difference, I mean,
come on, really, what difference
at the point of human death, can
any of that folderol make? And it
only evidently works for the good
Catholic Christian? All others line
up along the side, please? I guessed 
all this stupid talk  -  and that is all
it was, and still is  -  was something
merely to keep foolish people well
occupied while they awaited the
various ends of their separate lives.
Lots of things stemming from this
always bugged me. It was like have
been to a magic show but having also
been let in, behind the curtain, to see
what really went on and what was
there. The illogic was so bare. Nothing
added up at all. For instance: Adam
and Eve. That's 'two,' we're told  - the
first two. They had Eden and a good
life, blew it, and got the heave-ho.
They had, evidently, three boys over
time. Cain, Abel, and Seth. You don't 
hear much about Seth. Three boys.
They then went off, those left. Abel
got killed by Cain, by whatever. They
went off, got a mate, married, whatever,
and made more kids. WAIT!!!! Where
did the female(s) come from?  Poor
old Eve never even got to raise a
daughter? Never got to see how girls
grow and mature? How it all works
for their further procreation; the
differing sensitivities and outlooks
of growing a daughter. Just three
boys. One of them already a killer.
So where these females come from
who later had all these kids that ended
up as US? I don't think they covered
that issue too well. There was no
justice, courts or judges, so even back
then when Adam or Eve died, say, and
the 'family' gathered, this Cain guy
came to the wake? Traditional Jewish
Shiva stuff? What's it going to be? 'Oh,
that's my brother, Cain. He killed my
other brother. But it's OK, I guess.' And
also, even if there was a daughter in
these tales, wouldn't it still have been
incestuous for any relations that
furthered the clan? 'Hey, thanks,
Marietta, that was pretty nice. Don't
tell anyone; and when someone else
is around I'll just call you my 4th 
cousin Peggy. Okay?'
What the heck was all that? And these
same guys were going to oil me up
and prepare me for an easy glide to
Death's famed portal? I was kind
of glad I was young, otherwise I
may have started searching for the
hospital's gun closet and taken out
a few idiots. Give the ER something
to get to work on.
I thought of my future, both the
immediate and the longer range.
None of it brought me elation.
Back home again? Same old
concepts and rut? I realized I
was too young to have any
individual impact, either upon
myself, or others, so the only
thing I could do was go back
with the mob and play act the 
scenes. That's all life was.
Mime and pretend. Who the
heck cared about Uncle Horatio's
new job or car or house or kids?
Who gave two cents, really, about
what went on down the end of the
block, houses that changed hands,
who was related to whom as they
all moved in? What crap people
lived by. I remember often, as my
father drove up Rt. One  -  he was
one of those guys ALWAYS visiting
someone  -  aunts, uncles, whatever  -
and mostly back then they all
lived north, in the old towns and
suburbs there, so we always took
Route One, north, where it used
to make that big curve around 
the airport and by the Budweiser
factory. That's all been straightened
and widened now, and you'd never
know at all what had been there
before. Plus, it wasn't until later 
that everyone began moving 
south instead of being north  -  
places like Jackson, Toms
River, and Old Bridge. We'd
pass that billboard sign that
said 'Welcome to Newark, 
Science City!' Or, maybe it was
'City of Industry.' I forget. Whatever 
that was meant to be it was signed
with the Mayor's name, Hugh
Addonizio, who later went to prison 
for the longest time, a crook like
all the rest: McCormac, Zirpolo,
Joe Vas, Ken Gibson; and countless 
other municipal inmates to come. 
The sign had test-tubes and vials on 
it, illustrated, and some science-lab
guy, staring. It was weird, because
the only 'Science' I really ever
heard about from Newark was the
'Science' of brewing beer; any of
6 or 10 breweries. I guess it meant
Westinghouse, and maybe some
other things. but all it really meant,
and always does anyway, was the
usual, statewide, graft and corruption
of money flowing like dirty water
in any of the streams and rivers.
I guess, sometimes, I more than
not wished I was back into that
hamstrung hospital bed, just
waiting for the lights to go out.
I realized then that most
people are boosters; they love
all this growth and industry stuff.
My father thought it was the
greatest thing in the world, as
he drove along, to be entering a
great city of science and wonder.
I was already getting bored stiff.

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