Thursday, June 25, 2015


(13 feet above sea level)
I keep forgetting. I keep forgetting. I live
in a town of more losers now, where the
tough stay tough and the weak get going.
All parochial concerns by small men in
shiny hats begging quarters at corner lights,
while their painted ladies wait in cars.
It's a place where everything is self-generated,
and the only concerns are the things of here : the
waters which course through these rivers and
streams come from nowhere else but here  -  and
go nowhere else but here either. A dredge-pond
wherein everything sinks. I keep forgetting.
Nothing that happens anywhere else will
ever be bothering us.
It's about not asking for whom the bell tolls, for
it tolls for thee  -  you know that one; the rabbit
in the ass, with those big ears sticking out, the
little chubby guys worried about nothing but the
mite in their barbecue-eye. And you must remember
this : 'we're weak, and we're little, yeah, but 
we take care of our own.'

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