Thursday, June 11, 2015

6758. POP-UP BOYS (the long version)

(the long version)
I shall have vision tomorrow : I shall be able
to see things, an undistorted lens looking out, 
into, instead of away from, time. And so it shall 
be too that the pop-up boys will be around again.
I see them often  - engaging and witty, lavish
homosexuals, crafty or dim-witted together. No,
I take that back : I've never actually seen a
dim-witted one at all. All and always sharp
as hell, as a knife, as the point they wheedle 
me with. I can take it. I can take it.
I am tough.
Now it is already tomorrow, and they still do 
not evince the facts  -  I'd want their mothers 
and daughters first, if that makes any sense. 
I'd rather just walk away, into that taxman's 
woods which comprises the rest of this fitful 
society. At midnight  -  or anyway at its stroke  -   
then even I see Hamlet's ghost. Which is 
really not Hamlet at all.
I have to wonder: if I laughed would they still deliver
the mail? On this desktop at the edge of 53rd Street,
there is nothing now but old calling cards and dead
art magazines. They are throwing those sorts of things
out wholesale these days : the printed paper world matters
little anymore. Another Frank O'Hara, were he to stumble
here today, would find himself amiss. The bell would toll
for nothing. The smoke and the mist of just another ghost
would be found, in the end, to be only he himself again.
Those still engaged in the legion of the concerned are talking
swiftly of other items  - the Fire Island jitney, how crowded 
it was, the meat they grilled at Stearn's, what was it exactly, 
bison? Did you see the lovely gams on that lonely gal singing?
And then, and then, me again. I want to go away, alone.
The pop-up boys, today they have guns and bellies.

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