Friday, June 19, 2015


Well, they're coming with wheelbarrows filled with
junk and wild abandon  -  cash stuffed in their pockets
and the girls with their hearts dropping out. I tell you, I
can't wait. And tomorrow's the day my bride's a'gonna 
come. Here's fifteen dollars; go get me a bottle of something
to drink, I want to take it all down before anyone comes.
The only way to meet these geeks is drunk and stupidly 
happy. Ooh wee, are we gonna' fly, down in the easy chair.
I think this table's broken, but they'll fix that by just wrecking
it more  -  then we can call the desk and say it was bad from
the start. You know, I don't care how many letters they sent,
the morning came, the morning went. But, bring me the 
letter you got from that guy in California. 
I do want to read it again.

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