Sunday, October 13, 2019

12,187. RUDIMENTS, pt. 836

RUDIMENTS, pt. 836
(don't bend over in the shower)
I decided I'd never go too
far, distance-wise. I liked
my direct and immediate
surroundings, hanging
about me as a cloak or
heavy cloth coat. It was
sometimes all I could do
anyway just to stay in place.
If I was anything at all, I
was some hermit, lost in a
very un-regal hole. My
friend Al told me that one
day I simply walked right
by him, ignoring his greeting
and all else. He was with
his friend at the time, Robert.
I can't remember what I may
have been undergoing right
then. Probably voices.
Between the years 1925-1927,
there was something called the
Copenhagen Interpretation. Neils
Bohr, Einstein, and those guys
were involved with it, and it was
the time when they developed
those basic premises that called
into question the then-established
concepts of space, time, and causality.
Maybe that's what I was thinking
of when I surged past Al and
Robert; could'a been anyway.
(I'd known them both since
the first days of schooling).
I loved that stuff  -  anything to
get me away from the more drab
and hum-drum, be-ribboned world
of logic and pale expectation. That
all might be but I didn't need it
not want any of it.
I grew over time to realize that
all things exist as once, but that
each operates in a different 'relativity.'
Each with its own time  -  ours, for
one  -  human time, plain and straight;
the time of a leaf, maybe 5 months,
rolling differently, and with different
aims and ends; the time of a squirrel,
something different, perhaps speeded
up, more peripatetic maybe, and
without the kind of 'conclusions'
we get as people; the lazy routine
of swans and geese on some body
of water, aimless to us, they just
circulate and face their own time.
The time of a goose can end on
a dime in the mouth of a fox. In
our own ways, do we face anything
like that? Sitting at some bar-stool
reverie, any day of the old Biker
week I once inhabited, any part
of this could be real, or false. A
girl walks by, and walks right
back out, saying the toilet's
clogged. I manage not to care,
but know there's somewhere there
who will. Some guys are just good
with the mops and the ladies,
and everybody helps Hazel out
(the owner). She's watching the
god-damned Yankees again on
that stupid TV. People who watch
sports in shitty old bars just piss
me off. Not Hazel; she'd do it
anyway; but I mean the people
who come in and seem to care.
I gave up on baseball a long time
ago, when I realized that the games
have already been played; all
of them. Anything we get to watch
is re-run - that endless continuum
of time and space brings us what
we perceive as the present moment.
But it never is. It's a bleed-through
of other things. How can anyone
care about old, dead things? The
football guys were worse, by far.
They never shut up.
It's not too much (is it?) for me to
be going on like this? Some guys
sit home and get way into home
brewing their own beers. I've
known guys with the weirdest
concoctions still calling it beer:
all those honey-brews, cinnamon,
clove and garlic. Dandelion wines
too. Why bother? But in a like
fashion, I sort of sit around and
come up with the recollections
of some switchy intensity with
back-flip remonstrances that
never have any repercussions.
I just go on, so I shouldn't talk, 
brewing my own beer like this.
Back at the Maple Tree, after a
while, we'd keep hearing stories
about Jim McGreevey; first as
Mayor (another slot-hole feature
job for another loser slot-holer).
We'd hear them from 'reputable'
people too, not just drunks.
Hazel, for one. And cops and
local office-holder types, and
guards; prison guys. How this
McGreevey guy was gay as a
fig, under the protections of
his driver, and the police. It
was said he'd be getting a
blowjob in his car sometimes,
while security/drivers waited,
the stories went, and he also
was running around with
surreptitious lover-guys. We'd
laugh it all off  -  in fact,
McGreevey, pandering votes,
always accepted campaign-time
requests for appearances at our
meetings, and especially when
running for Governor. One
night, at the Rahway Italian
American Club, he showed
up campaigning for Governor,
promising us the world; a no-helmet
law, insurance modifications, etc.,
once he was elected. He didn't
really seem gay to me, just
dumb. Or dumb enough to be
involved in these sorts of ass-
licking frantic situations. He
even brought some half hot babe
along with him, a Hispanic girl
from Perth Amboy or somewhere,
Matos was the last name. The cover
story was they'd married  -  my
friends said he'd finally gotten
his 'beard'; a heterosexual cover
for the election. He won. My
one friend said old 'Jim' was as
gay as they come, just look at
his lips. I said, 'Huh?' It was
funny but I never got any vibe
from him except that eager-to-
please politics drive. Cloying,
yes. Annoying, yes. Fairly
artificial, for sure. But, all that
car stuff and the rest, I never
believed it  -  and then, there
he is, like 2 years or less later,
Governor Resigner, because,
'I'm a gay American.' Damn
it all. And the wife thing, she
disappeared like a slice of
birthday cake. Just goes to show,
I guess, sometimes : When you
drop the soap in the gym shower,
don't go bending to pick it up.
(That could be a Jim/gym
word-play too).
Actually, as it turned out, the full
intrigue here was almost fascinating
and none of the subject has ever
really been covered. His lover-boy
(McGreevey's) was an Israeli agent
named Galen Cipel. A mystery man
who never faced any charges and fled
immediately back to Israel. (It's
always said how 'Sex' can compromise a
politician, and this was a prime example;
who knew what info and funding was
going back and forth and what influence
was traded for sex)  -  the Governor's
Mansion (Drumthwacket) in Princeton,
to which I'd been, and was invited
numerous times, as a legislative Biker
guy, for lunches and breakfasts and
speeches and presentations, Gov.
Christie Whitman right through to
McGreevey), had at its rear a grassy
swamp-meadow, behind which were
nice condos and apartments. Cipel
had been put up, with state funds, and
given some sort of job/stipend thing too,
and a path had been worn between the
two places, in these condos, and Jimmy
lips laterpath down. Sneaking away,
as it were, from his own security guard.
You can look it up; no need to just
believe me admitted he'd been the one
wearing that.

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