Sunday, October 6, 2019


What the landlubbers say is all
wrong. The world is neither flat
nor round. Misnomers abound.
Everything clings to the surface,
for one thing, and  -  depending
on where you are  -  that surface
makes the definition. Seaweed clings
to barnacles, and things adhere where
they may. So why is it that we so
demand these explanations. Is such
logic flat or round? I ask.
Were I back at home, in some
smutty cafe drinking coffee and rum,
I'd have a lot to say : As it is, out
here, a'sea, and lots before me, I
only realize the world is made of
time and open space. Isn't that so
odd, how every other trace of form
or function disappears with the
riding of the foam-dark waves?
I cannot speak for others, well, yes
I can but I will not speak for others.
My time, instead, expands, like this
ocean always opening outward. And,
by that, perhaps then, the world is
maybe inward? Or outward? How
would that play in your debatings?
One way out, and one way in.

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