Monday, October 7, 2019

12,176. RUDIMENTS, pt. 832

RUDIMENTS, pt. 832
(rearranging the beast from the top down)
A trial lawyer is taught
never to ask a question
(during a trial) for which he
or she doesn't already know
the answer. It makes sense
for them, I suppose, in that
backwards-form of content
they dwell in, but, fact of
the matter, it's also cheap,
sleazy, duplicitous and at
cross-purposes, to my mind,
at establishing truth, whatever
it may be. As a means of
falsely varnishing the reality
of any situation (as created
by them - they're also very
good at that. Maybe they
should just also say 'Never
create a false reality of which
you are not 110% sure').
I've not known many lawyers
in my life, thankfully, but the
ones I have known have been
horrid creatures, Malevolent,
in fact. Seeking out the bad,
as as to make money off of it.
Basically they reminded me of
drones (not the flying kind, no).
I mean the old definition,
those who suffer the meager
tasks of carrying things for
others. Dull. Evasive. The
sorts who carry packages
over borders for others. At
the really 'bottom' of this
racket, I've known and
dealt with two dueling
'personal injury' attorneys
who were ham-fisted
basket cases of pushable
slime, for settlements.
It was pretty remarkable.
I guess it was a good career,
a livelihood for them worth
every penny expended, but
to my own truth, it would
never have worked for me.
All this time later, I still sit
around thinking about these
things; what I've seen, and
done. I wasted a lot of years
working for others, and I can
tell yo, in the outward field of
'satisfaction,' there was none.
I was never able to see why
'Capitalism' was so very
highly vaunted; all I ever saw
was, not goodness, but a sort
of voracious greed for 'more.'
It's a moving finish line, sort
of, and each time you get near
to it, they push it away from
you so that you can continue
to purchase, want, desire, and
fall for, their next 'improved'
version of their product. It's
a sad scam, and one that causes
poverty, grief, and anger, most
certainly within the underclass,
which gets all these manufactured
'desires' plugged into their heads
by stupid advertising and the
pressures of stupider marketing.
Whenever I look at what has
become 'America' today  -  from
the fine old-world ways of the
grave-site of Walt Whitman, to
the raw-edged top-down cruelty
of politics and corporations
today, I know that the time for
Revolution is near. Has to be.
We've reached a sort of societal
tipping point where the actual
tipping over of everything is due.
That old Thomas Jefferson
quote from 1787 always did
stick in my craw : 'What country
before ever existed a century and
a half without a rebellion, and
what country can preserve its
liberties if their rulers are not
warned from time to time that
their people preserve the spirit
of resistance. Let them take
arms. The remedy is to set
them right as to facts, pardon
and pacify them. What signify
a few lives lost in a century
or two? The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time
to time with the blood of
patriots and tyrants. It is its
natural manure.' Like a 
subspecies of cant, like 
a low-level body of strife, 
I went on. I was inhabited by
hundreds of these old things,
and I could enter them at will
just as easily as they entered 
me. In the thirties, we were
told there was 'one third of a
nation' that was 'ill housed,
ill clothed, and ill fed.' You
couldn't say that now, at all,
in a land in which even the
street bums and homeless 
beggars somehow have cell 
phones. Perhaps that's now
considered an achievement 
and something to the good. 
I do not, and I hardly that
validates a society dead and
lame in all its other attributes.
The old forms of immigration
were of people pouring into
an economy that needed people.
The ran immigration of now is
of people unwilling to do the
process of old, but rather 'sneak'
in, demand and take the care 
and services of a society that
doesn't want them and now
has no need of people as it did
in the past. It's a world of
differences, but the trogs
running the show cannot
see that. They see, instead,
bloc-votes, people they can
keep secondary as a servant
class, and groups they can
beat down into the now-usual
control and submission.
That cannot stand, and Jefferson
would know that. Even I can
see it. If the time for Revolution
is near, the question is, 'how?'
Getting to this decrepit point 
was the easy part; now we must
get ourselves out of it. The next
question has to be  -  how is
such an overthrow implemented?
Does it arise or take place by
itself? No. Obviously there are
not any longer any ballot-box
implementations to be had; we've
gotten way past that. They've been
fouled, and the choices are ludicrous
anyway : A dust mop of an old
Vermont Governor from the NY
ghetto; a few slag-heap females,
Hillary included; any number of
Orlando Furioso men incensed
about nothing. The pandering is
the phalanx. We are held captive,
those of us who can see anyway.
The entire silly game has now
become all flim-flam: College 
flim-flam, socialist flim-flam,
sensitivity flim-flam, intellectual
flim-flam. Categories have lost
all meaning and one cannot,
apparently, get the populace
angry or worked up.  Up in
arms about nothing? What needs
being done? Take away their
entertainments; shut down their
communication networks? Stop
the buzz and the blather? Make
eternal sleep more mandatory?
There has to be a solution I've
not yet seen. Belly up with a
beer and some bullets (Silver
Bullets, a brand-name). No,
that won't work. Undoing the
war machine and the solid-state
Corporatocracy and the money
networks compulsively propelling
all the crime and corruption that's
behind it all? That's no good ether,
because people have children and
homes, and are invested in all this
crud already. They need to live
and have continued access. Mayhem
in the streets is a ghetto behavior,
and that certainly won't work either.
We must somehow maintain order
and stay placid, while rearranging
this beast from the top down, and
even when irate. Both sides are
equally dead, and we've only really
been given two and they are both 
shams. The klaxon-horns loudly
rooting for either of the sides are
just the same empty-heads who've
always done that; every decade the
subject changes for a while. I don't
know what it will be right yet, but
I know it will be. I must ask your
forgiveness here, as well, for
proposing a question for which
I do not yet know an answer.

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