Tuesday, October 15, 2019

12,194. RUDIMENTS, pt. 838

RUDIMENTS, pt. 838
(adolescence right to senescence : a mea culpa)
'Why take it to them? Sure,
I'm always armed and
dangerous, but the trick is
to never let the other guy
know that's the case. You
don't 'advertise' that sort of
stuff or there goes your
advantage. Part of the whole
tactic is surprise.' Yep. Have
you ever had three or four
rear-guard dudes  -  what we
now refer to, apparently, as
'bullies' come at you because
they think they've got you,
alone and cornered. Good
luck, Charlie Brown, and
please watch out for the
powder burns.  One time,
downtown New York City,
Community Board 3 or
something, run by some
guy, name forgotten, Gurskin,
Gruben, or one of the NY
tribe names. The order of
the evening was a hearing
to pass a noise ordinance
against loud motorcycles in
the area of, say NYU to the
lower east side, etc. 3rd street
included, which meant the
headquarters of the Hell's
Angels  -  at that time, as I
recall  -  run by one Brandon
Manning or somebody. Nice
fellow all around. A few of
us were there, as well, to
testify and speak up against
this proposed noise ordinance,
for reasons of backing up the
3rd street boys  -  not that
they needed us  -  and for
our own benefits too, as we
were often there, blasting
around. Any number of the
locals around there, whose
point, yes, I could understand
as well (I've always been cursed
with the ability to see either side
of an argument, and argue it too),
had been on the stand proclaiming
their displeasure and life-quality
loss with the constant din of
loud and often drunk bikers
echoing along their streets  -
they wanted it stopped, by one
means or the other. It was going
back and forth, a little testy,
anxieties rising. The people at
the head table, the board
commissioners were squirming.
They only reluctantly then asked
the President of the local Hell's
Angels chapter to take the stand.
No one knew what to expect.
Brandon stood up, as I recall,
long blond hair, and beard, vest,
jacket, colors, all in full HA
regalia. He took the stand and
spoke magnificently. His point,
on the other hand, was treated
as sarcasm  -  which perhaps
it was meant to be. He said,
to the effect, that he lived out
in Queens, next to JFK Airport,
and was under constant harangue
by take-off and landing noises,
at all hours and in all weathers.
Whereas Biker noise was pretty
much regulated, by weathers
and seasonal factors  -  which
he thought worked to their
advantage. He mentioned how
he thought they were unreasonable
for objecting to having a couple
of biker guys working it out
now and then along their streets.
He said, to alleviate his own
problem, in Queens, he just
doesn't open any windows.
And then he said, and ended
with, 'when I moved there, I
knew there was an airport right
next door, and I accepted that
and worked around it. My
answer to each of you, in
turn, is the same  -  if you
don't like this city living,
then move!' The resultant
grumbles and groans could
be heard down to the street.
And he walked off. He'd had
a nice profanity or two in there
as well, making a nice effect.
It was quite the moment.
A few of us were there,
as well, to testify and speak
up against this proposed
noise ordinance, for reasons
of backing up the 3rd street
boys  -  not that they needed
us  -  and for our own benefits
too, as we were often there,
blasting around. We'd been
hanging around at the White
Horse, for an hour or two,
beforehand, and then we
walked over to where the
hearing was to be. It was
pretty cool. Once inside,
I realized some guy from
Hoboken was in there, from
our Essex-Hudson Chapter.
There been some bad-blood
going on between that group
and myself, in the Metuchen
office, which had led to some
crap being written about me
in some local newspaper over
'cooperating' with the outlaw
clubs too much. It had kind of
really pissed me off, and he'd
been the guy behind it. So I
saw my chance, but only if
I did it alone, and quickly, as
with no aforethought. In the
meeting room building, just
outside the doorway, and as
the meeting was getting
underway, I got him and
pushed him off around to
the corner hallway. I pinned
him against the wall, in a
split-second, and made to go
at him with a right. As I
suspected, he immediately
cowered. He huddled back and
said, 'Don't hit me, don't hit me.'
I didn't have to do a thing, just
instead saying, 'You know what
this is about, you creep, don't
you?' He said yes, and
scampered out. I've never
seen nor heard of him
again, (got that, Court
Street, Hoboken?)….
Now, isn't that all so amazing  -
totally out of character for me,
and bearing no meaning at all.
I actually still feel bad for what
I did  -  feeling however that I
had to do something, and besides,
in all honesty, he was lucky it
wasn't worse. I could really have
had him chewed up, had I brought
others in, especially after two
hours at the White Horse. It was
never my style to get rough, or
to humiliate or hurt the feelings
of others. But what's done is done,
and maybe if he's out there (I can't
even remember his name) he can
forgive, as I do him. It was all
a creepy form of foolishness.
I've kind of always worshipped
a form of 'perfection,' and I
admit, ruefully now, this wasn't
it. But, the past is the past and
if it wasn't we'd all be dead. A
lot of other things bothered me
too, and the 'Biker' world was
full of it. The good think about
the Hell's Angels, to be truthful,
was that they didn't do any of
that crappy flag-waving,
patriotism, gung-ho USA #1
crap. I hated that, and it was
everywhere I turned on two
wheels. Let me give a call-out;
Patriotic rhetoric started out
good, a long time ago. Then
it was hijacked by goons. There
once was always a core of truth
in it  -  in 1825, America was a
broad democracy, a magnificent
spread, daunting and thrusting,
from nearly coast to coast. There
was material progress, growth,
and a good, strong industrialism.
Melting pot. Immigration. Then,
with the wars, (1898, 1917), WWII,
and Vietnam and the rest, the
crazed and suicidal tendencies
of it all took over. It all became
unbelievable and, in all actuality,
it (patriotism) has lost all it power
to animate, and is mostly used
now to sell things, cover over
lies and blunders, and as a coat
for superstitious politicians to
hide behind. Usually with their
zippers open. Without 'real'
patriotism  -  and that means
a knowledge and appreciation
of the old ways and the bedrock
and foundation of the nation,
a person has no 'community' or
sense of place. The scoundrels
who take over, crafty shits that
they are, will give you some
sham pretense of their version
of 'Patriotism,' but it's not that.
It's hucksterism. It's ignorance
too  -  beer at the lodge, booze
and a parade at the Legion, for
Veterans Day while attempting to
stand and salute the 'parade' of all
those wavering 'Merican values
you're being sold. The loss of the
real and the old gets abandoned
at a terrible cost  -  a man/woman
robbed of a true patriotism, not
the sham, bullshit one we get, is
only really half living, has been
robbed of a human right, and
has no community. Because there
is no longer any  -  young people
certainly cannot aspire to what
they see, when it's know to be
a ruse and insincere. The selling
of red, white, and blue cornflakes
maybe, but cornflakes nonetheless.
The area of patriotism is a lost
area between childhood and
adolescence, and, surprisingly,
many adults seem to get stuck
there : waving their little flags, 
buntings, poppies, and anger at
others for not sharing that false
pretense. People then appoint
themselves as on 'better' peer
group over others. It's all then
played into the hands of fools 
and rogues; microphone fakers
of no value. The Johns and the
Corys of make-believe land.
There is no 'American' any 
more. How then to be proud?
The American landscape has
been utterly corrupted : Ugliness;
the conformity of towns; neglect,
and the disesteem of public goods
and places; we get, instead of
space and goodness  -  the kind
of 'places' that make community
and a deserved patriotism  -  a
new corporate style in the form
of shopping centers, chain stores,
and supermarkets, along the
highways of what once had been
places; locations to come from. 
Now it's a joke, like that one about
which 'exit' you're from. This all
works out disastrously for communities
even though the asses in charge are
proud of it. These 'centers' are not
centers of anything, certainly not
of communities. It's a long process
of disruption for places and villages
that no longer are; suffocated; left 
to die and therefore expired. You
can no longer 'come' from anywhere,
and you can't be anywhere either.
What we're left with is the jerkiness,
of the sort that even I inhabited
while pushing another guy around
in that hearing, for a community
that only wanted peace, solitude,
and its own old silence, back.
How can you make ends meet
in the middle when there's no
center to meet in?

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