Tuesday, October 22, 2019


You may nest these for me within
your warehouse of dreams. My own
hands are shaking while my leg
keeps a beat. So perfidious, I can
parody myself! Looking things over,
I can see how the match of your
lightbox to the shine of the fireplace
flame compares to the Roman and
Greek ages of our antiquity. Were
I then your Uncle, I'd certainly
give a care. As it is, I do anyway.
No blood-kin relationship needed.
The train will take me to Manasquan, 
or I can stay aboard it right to the
end, wherever that may be. Bay Head
Junction, the schedule calls it; and
it all sounds so nifty and neat. I can
read this journal some more, as the
train needles its wiry way through
the old meadows and towns.
There are 71 pages here, of well
composed writing; the premise
perhaps, a bit absurd, but this pail
still holds water : Right-Guard and
Listerine, a Hershey bar and a
bar of soap. Just the kind of stuff
an old 1960's guy used to travel
around with in his bag.

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