Monday, October 21, 2019


The fortune lady said I was a
clown in another life  -  I felt
so bad to tell her she was right.
We sat down together while
she was drinking cinammon
tea. (Sounded like a bad idea,
to me). Abracadra, 1-2-3.
Her daughter's name was April,
and her younger son was called
Adolphus. He came in with a
skateboard, entering through the
shiny curtains with it under his arm.
At first I thought someone dead
had come alive -  one of those
weird seance things you hear
about; but I knew it couldn't be
because I hadn't paid any extra.
 It was a time of history books
and glass globes, or at least that's
how I felt  -  and so I told her. My
discomfort must have come through,
for she said, 'You do not believe
me, do you?' I said no; it all seemed
wrong and her place seemed fake.
She stared then down into a whitish
crystal ball and said my name was
to perishable for her to read. 
Perishable? I questioned her on that 
one. 'Where'd you get a word like
that for this? You've just ruined
everything, it seems to me.' So she
put out her hand, asking for her
ten dollars, and told me to leave.
As far as clown scenes go, it was
pretty funny, this one was.

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