Monday, April 30, 2018


I've been working in your pawnshop for 11 years
now, and it's brought me not much charm and
no good luck at all. Therefore, I wish to speak
privately with you  -  and I shall bring along
my rare, 17th century chainmail restraint, just
so, in your obviously delirious interest in its
worth or value, you'll not be upset if I tie you
in it, should we not come to terms.
I am at the most-disgusted ends of my own
service to you; sick of it all, and you too. I
watch what you do. I try to understand the
reasons you give for things you do, but it
never works. I still go home each night,
annoyed by you, and irritated. I can hardly
take any more of this meted-out enticment
to drivel and decay. The means by which
you live, I mean to say.
Here's my consolation : you will give me
one-tenth more of this business ownership
than you were thinking, and shall increase
my weekly take by two-hundred dollars
every six-months. Don't like that, you
say? (Crack!  a sound ensues of someone
being beaten). You may sit up, once again,
and listen. I do not come here armed for
force, just my own pale justice. This billy
club will not hurt you again. That once
was enough, daresay? 
Now, this leaves me another spot to point
out : I will henceforth control the register
and the clerking of the books. Why? (Slap!
the sound of a face being punched ensues).
Why? Because I no longer trust your double
entry. I no longer will turn aside, (did I say
neither?) while you alter the take from every
transaction. (Thud! A man his hit with a
crowbar. $28.95, payable, 3 installments).
Now, Mr. Ignolio, please get up again. Oh
dear, he seems not moving. Would that be 
blood I see that trickles forth for where I
last hit? Overdid it again, my little bit.
Mr. Ignolio, I am truly distressed.

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