Monday, April 2, 2018


I shrank the world : Do you
understand what I am saying? 
Just before the bomb went off,
I shrank the world so there'd be
less damage. Does this make any
sense? The globe I was holding  -
what you say is your world  -  
seemed small enough already,
but I brought it down still more
in size. And then I wondered :
wouldn't this then just concentrate 
the blast into much smaller space
and thus advance the devastation.
And you know what? I found I
simply did not care and hoped 
it would. A silly world as this.
What monkey-matter was any of 
this to me? I had already collided
with the space of the stars and it
had brought me here. Too many
long years ago : your time is as
warped as your energy thoughts.
I'm putting it all out on the line
for you. I am your mathematics 
and your Heavenly dreams, or do
you not recognize what I am  saying?
If not, than what good is all your
'schooling'  -  what you miss is what
you cannot understand. These things
are real, and moving right before you.
When that tree is planted, it already
posses the apples to come. There are
no other gifts I can give you for this,
no other gifts at all.

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