Tuesday, April 3, 2018


My masked allegiance is to the
God of Doubles. Everything spliced
into a spiritual bliss : the streetlamp
at the corner flooding down with light,
while three kids beneath it hover in
their darkness. We have too much 
ground between us for me to cover.
I remain aloof, and say nothing. 
Though Nature, with its now-steaming 
claws, knows already how I hate the 
rats;  I leave them be. Slaughter on 
10th Avenue would be too good for me
Swing-sets goad with devilment in the
park  -  during daytime hours, just kids
and mothers, grime and noise. Each
blissful female ever wanting more. There
is no satisfaction but the satisfaction
of the whore : like Blake put it, the
harlot's curse, the marriage hearse.
I realize I am famished, and dip into
Germano's little store : Eggs and envy.
Buttered rolls and bread. The simple stuff
of a lifetime : United Nations cars with
diplomatic plates are here parked all around.
I can see : Egyptian bastards with chips
on their shoulders, and NYC Police, in 
their little blue police-guard huts, glumly
watching the terrorist streets.

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