Friday, February 23, 2018


Who's got the rocks and the Roxmander 
Reason? I want to go home with Kerouac's 
wife. I held her hand once, on 12th Street
when he was still alive, They were long
distant, and apart. He was a miserable
cuss and she was just what I'd wanted.
He looked around for the party line.
Really was drunk, and thought there'd
be one. I was amazed that anyone with
the smarts of him could fall for that 
drunken ploy again. Such a stupid gag.
Twelve men in a twelve man minute.
That's what they tried calling this ersatz
band. Jazz and toiletries was all it ever
sounded to me. I told them that, and
Mrs. Jack laughed. Then, like a fool,
I stood up and said  -  'Anyway, you
assholes, the name you really want is
'This Ersatz Band,' or forget the this
if you wish. Ersatz Band alone would 
do. Part Klezmer, part blues; some jazz
like the Jews like to play on 52nd Street
when they've got nothing else to do.'
'Except for choosing sides, ha ha, like
they said God did and picked them.' By
this time I was rollicking drunk and Mrs.
Jack was only getting loose. I turned and
said, (like Jerry Lewis), 'Hey Lady!' (in
that voice), 'Hey lady, where's your sainted
husband do you think he's wearing drawers?
Or, or, snakeskin epaulets?'
It was the sixties, a certain period of
time when everyone knew what epaulets
were. Or I think she did, because she
muttered something about, 'That 
god-damn Canuck he's always spouting
French at me too, now shut-up you, and 
come here. I did, and she hugged me
down, right to where we fell.
It was only later that I realized what had
happened. She'd fallen asleep, tipsy-wise,
and so had I. I didn't want nobody to see
me no more. So I stood straight up and
looked at my shirt. Allover it, either her
or me. Vomit, baby, free. 'Hey Lady!'
I wanted to yell, 'Hey Lady! Look
what you've done to me.'

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