Thursday, February 15, 2018

10,524. CLARITY

That is an end, not a means? A
goal, but never a conclusion? 
I'd rather be perplexing and have
you each figure it out. Something
for yourself  - like an all-day
sucker from one of those stores 
that used to sell junk candy.
Somehow it always seems there's
no energy to manage in one of 
those staid poems about romance
or dancing or death. Ask not for
whom the bell tolls...right? It 
tolls for thee, and clarity. On
the other hand, my mission is
the broader one of disrupting
a too-comfortable mind. I watched
all those people listening; smiling
tonight like clear water of a turgid
lagoon. It jut can't mix, the happy 
and the real. I'd rather take my boat
to Philadelphia and go drown in
the Schuylkill River. Any one of
those Summertime regattas will do.

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