Sunday, February 26, 2023


Got the shit kicked out of me in 
Hoboken once  -  a couple of
Angels holding a grudge. At
Hoboken MC, got stomped to 
ground. And it was over almost
Another time, same kind of deal,
but another bunch of guys. A big
lug named Tiny took me down,
over a tee shirt I was wearing. Big
stupid baby. It was an Angels' tee
shirt  -  go figure that out. I'd have
been better off meeting them at old
Robert Hall's, to get the clothes
checked out first. 

That was in Monmouth County 
somewhere; from a Swap Meet 
that turned into a meet and greet 
or meat and beat. 1989, maybe it 
was - and the girl there who 'turned
me in' to the Breed guy she was
sleeping with was a high school
bitch I'd hardly known. I hope
she's rotten in her kingdom now.
My history on two wheels is full of
shit  -  nothing I'd want to relive, and
nothing I'd ever giver to anyone else.
Alcohol, booze, titties and beer.
Here, there, and everywhere.
I lied to many people, back then;
lied to cops and riders, regular people,
and insiders. But nothing ever stopped
me no-how. I covered all 5 boroughs,
and upstate and down. New Jersey?
Just a poop-deck for small outsiders.
The real deal was New York City.

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