Friday, February 10, 2023

16,058. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,363

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,363
(Chaldeans? Nubians? Gyroscopic omni-wheel)
Egypt? Time immemorial really 
does mean immemorial and it
also means endlessly repeated.
Well before the 34 Dynasties 
of Egypt, and then the Ptolemies,
time stretched just as long into
the other direction, back from 
that. After the faltering of the
Prolemies, the Greeks took 
over, into their own 'Golden 
Age', 600 BC, let's call it. (It's
counter-intuitive to get used to
all this running back time, but
even the Bible did it). Everything
of the Egyptian ages was just left
behind  -  that's what touristy types
befuddle themselves with these
days  -  pyramids, obelisks, and the
Sphinx, or what can be found of
this stuff under those shifting sands
of the ages. All of pre-history then
stretches before that (but really
behind. It's merely the weird
perspectives that confuse us).
In every one of these ancient
ancient cultures, the same stories
recur, over and over. The hidden
child, tucked away, in order to
conceal an 'other' identity, brought
up mysteriously and only later
proclaiming or exemplifying his
true worth and might. The deaths
and massacres of others to ferret
out this hidden identity, the stories 
of floods, rivers, and reeds. A story
of a God/Man interceding, or even
claiming that Divinity for himself
for the work of bringing other along.
From the OTHER side, all pre-history
is strung out, most of it biblically
referenced, but if it doesn't fit that
scenario it just gets scoffed at.
I don't know what has to 'pass' as
truth to most people, but Ezekial's
scene is most certainly on a jitney
space craft taking people up and
back to the deeper mother station. 
(A gyroscopic omni-wheel). Please,
go ahead, real all this carefully, as
well as the detailed descriptions
of these varied craft. It has nothing
to do with your 'Faith'  -  it's rather
your reality. As was Enoch's vast 
trip, way-farther out, to the Master 
Station, to be shown the workings 
of day and night, and all the 
master-makings and workings
of our reality. (The Book of Enoch was
'removed' from the Bible early on,
for not fitting the proper scenarios).
Let's walk ourselves through Genesis
and see who it was came down to 
breed with 'Human Woman'. The 
entire scenario is pre-Egyptian, but 
like all those infernal old 'Power 
Religions' it's what we've been left 
with through the distortions and 
rambunctious twistings of those 
who took us over.
At one point, there was a 'heretic' '
Pharoah, (there have always been 
stupid conflicts), between an 
Akhenaten and a Tutankhamen. 
Guess which one won out. His 
line was taken up, and from that 
long time onward, the word
'amen' remained in use, even 
through to today, when it lives 
on (divinely), as the prayer closing 
to so many prayers, and is translated
risibly as, (God forbid), in our  time, 
'so be it.' Things live on, but we're
never even truthfully told way. There
remnant surviving : Amenhotep,
to Tutankhamen. So many things
Chaldeans? Nubians?
I can't go on listing such things, but
they are all present, everywhere, and
they all have a continuity that keeps
them current. When I first got to Elmira,
I realized immediately that there was
something there, and it was holding 
me there as well; near the area of that 
ugly, new, bank building - along the
banks of the Chemung River I was
able to conjure up, and walk into, as
it were, the Nile River plains of those
ancient desert days. It was transformative
and I realized right there the concurrent
circularity of all time. It was 'another'
time and place of course, yes, but it
was present, and it rang a frequency
within me. I used to get that same
ancient sensation when breaking a
field of new-fallen snow; unbroken, 
without tracks, and seemingly with
time or end.
Two final points, merely as a brush-off
to show the crappy means by which we 
were taught to learn about our world  - 
by means of lame teachers, and gross
religions: I know of a 100 homes where
I could enter and see photos of the
dead  -  parent, grandparents, siblings.
Is that ancestor worship? No, of course
not, yet that would be how it was presented
to us, whether Chinese, or not, 
OR Egyptian. To bolster this stupidity,
we'd also be told, and it would be laughed
at, how the Egyptians prepared their 
mummies and pyramids for further
travel of the dead to their afterlife, with
supplies, artifacts and assorted items,
along. A sort of space-shot crap-shoot
of the mass-mind. Of courseit was all
nothing of the sort, BUT when Christians
told it or recounted it all, it was always
accepted and called 'allegorical! Oh, oh!
That's it, yes, yes.

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