Thursday, February 9, 2023

16,056. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,362

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,362
(you must first free yourself)
Over time I've accumulated a 
lot of thoughts and ideas. Some
come in a lightning flash, while 
others come quite slowly. In
each of the places I've lived, I
have managed to find a modicum
of self-justice to warrant my 
further executions of study. It
is all like the flip side of life,
in which the one side is the
annealed and associative crap
with which to get by everyday
life  -  withstand the bullshit,
as it were. The other side is the
working and silver-flash side of
things where the everyday turns 
miraculous and brings great and
lasting rewards. Those have always
been what I thrive on, and where
the true essence of freedom lies
for me, and always has.
I've spent a lot of time studying 
the ancient ways of before-time;
the 34 or so dynasties of Egypt, 
ancient Memphis, along the Nile
(no, not the one in Tennessee), 
Osiris, the God, Hapi, the original
bases of settled ways, commerce
and the first attempts at governance
(which oddly enough never was 
an idea of 'self-governance' until 
much later, and one can certainly 
see why now. Obviously Humankind 
does not deserve self-governance. 
The mysteries in which we abound 
have always been made to include
royalty, authority, rank and privilege). 
There always have been many human 
quandaries that I've never faced off  -  
mainly because the evidences are
too obvious, and the 'manners' of the
societies that have been selected
somehow find it easier to live with
the dictates of the social-rules 
imposed and impressed on us.
Humans would rather allow for a 
belief in a man walking on water 
and raising others from the dead, 
which is well enough with me,
than to accept extra-terrestrial
origins for any of the daily things
we lived with  -  from crops and 
vegetables and the uses of farming
and agriculture, as well as metallurgy
and the rest  -  which was all presented
to us BY our makers. I never understand
why that's not accepted by people and
yet all the other stuff is : it adds a great
joy and lift to live, and not the miserable
stuff that churches and religions have
tacked on to what we live. In fact, if 
you can absorb and accept it, you are 
saved! And far better than half of the
crap foisted on us does to us. Joy and
Happiness were always here, and they
do still exist.
By human standards and by any of the
significance 'God' would put on things, 
and putting aside the nasty self-importance 
humans attach to themselves, why would
'God' have created what are now claimed
to be endless layers of unending space,
planetary orbs everywhere, cloud clusters
of stars, cyclical bodies whirling through 
deep space and schedules and timings, for
the sole benefit of this piddling, pathetic
race  -  which then Keeps itself that way
with its lack of creativity, deep-thinking,
and dynamism, and instead allows itself 
a flaccid existence with straitjackets and
limitations of control and fear? You are
cutting God short.
I daresay all of that 'before-time' experience
was far more powerful and real than any of
the post-dump misery we struggle through 
no, lost and dire as we have made it. 
There was a certain time, for me, when I
first realized I had been transformed. Maybe
I was 12, maybe I was 15. It really doesn't 
matter because by it I was already transported
out of time and there was no turning back. It
went right through me, glimmer after glimmer.
I needn't have done a thing, for it lifted me
and transported me  -  and gradually enough
gave me the strength to survive on my own.
I think it happens to everyone, but they let
other things, and the ways of the world, take
over instead : closed and frozen minds, images
made acceptable only by first being deadened
and altered by the world. School certainly
doesn't give you any inklings of anything
except the same old ideas of work and slavery,
taught to you by the same work-masters in
both cases.
I believe that everything is constant, and
repeats itself, in ways unseen to us and
guided from afar. That's the original idea
of power and God  -  which we have allowed
over time to be secularized and destroyed by
the miserable powers who rule this world. We
are in space, and can only await the return.
And we will have to pay, yes, for these
transgressions  -  each privately, and in our
own way. Isn't that what all this religion
stuff purports to be anyway? That, and
asking God for favors? Like buying a
lottery ticket when you're in prison,
thinking a win will allow you to buy
a new lock for which YOU have the
key? You must first free yourself.

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