Sunday, February 12, 2023

16,061. CARNIVAL

It was a currency unknown to 
Humankind before. The more it
was handled, the more it disappeared.
The factory revels that made it so
turned it as well to drudgery and
farce. People of all places gaped
to see what came of it.
The guy at the Ferris Wheel just
stared. He was watching the crowd,
trying to think if it was benign or
just stale. A small mutter ran through
that crowd : obvious and curious, both
and all at once as together. 'How'd
you get this job, kid; who'd you have
to know?' the guy was asking for his
son. 'Huh? My Uncle. The guy's name
is Henry, he's over in the green shed.
But it won't work if your kid can't 
travel. We move on every 11 days to
the next town on the circuit; till Labor
Day anyway. By then we're back down
south; Alabama, Mississippi, y'know.'
The Cotton Candy looked liked fluff.
Who in Hell would eat that stuff?

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