Thursday, September 22, 2022

15,613. YOU'LL NEVER

In the shade of the oasis, even the
sunlight is false? Is that how it goes?
I have a hunch it's not that way. At all.
Everything is here to stay. One large
and lethargic magnification of every 
single thought we have. You'll never
see the world disappearing as it
disappears before you.
Eternity is a misnomer now, for we
amidst it at all times and cannot call
it by its name : Real things glimmer
amidst the false, and I have now found
out what Hell really is. It is the moment.
It is this thing we treasure, this blue
globe is bastard space; the tramp who
knows the alley, the guide who makes
claim to know the 'place' he takes you.
There's no judgement like the judgement
of others  -  illicit, false, and incurious.
The man with the yellow shirt is getting
into his electric car. He says little, but in
a new form of silence, drives away. Does
he leave a void? A form? Or anything
else but that silence he drives, behind?

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