Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Derelict in my duty, perhaps? 
But that's OK with me. The 
idea of voting is a cruel joke. 
181,000 illegals apprehended 
at the southern  borders in the
month of August. That being
ONLY the number caught; and
mostly let in anyway. You can
read a reputable newspaper if
you wish learning more. (There's
only one left, but, whatever).
The Martha's Vineyard Gazette
might also have a column, but
I said 'reputable'  -  not the whiney
fruits of some rich-bitch ranter.
So, here I stand, atop a mountain
slant, wanting nothing but a more
deft life and longer health for me
and the wife. That threshold does
lessen daily, and for both of us.
One day the sun won't rise.
Won't you be surprised!
Look at the huge shipping, trying to
park : it's loaded with our necessities,
and the sort of things you vote for at
Walmart. Cellphones and microwaves,
teddy bears and video games, consoles
and lawn chairs tents and cheap shoes.
It's all for you! Vote what you choose!
One day the sun won't rise.
Won't you be surprised!
I am an American; my hand
is on the lever. I am fooled
enough into thinking that 
what I choose matters.

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