Saturday, September 10, 2022

15,577. NEVER MIND

Never mind the double-time
tremolo of this life; it only kills
you in the end. We are but one
moment, mostly flagrant in our
derelictions of duty too. The tides
that run, most usually, find ways
to run around us  -  blocked by
this or that, one thing or another,
the waters take a detour and
never reach us.
It all adds up, and stacks, in the
end. High piles of malfeasance,
avoidances and mistakes. The
letter of the law seems perfect
in our retrospect: 'He lived his
good life, and then he was thru.'
Which (oh hail modern day!)
works equally as well for use of
'women' too. 'She lived a good
life, and then she was thru!'

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