Sunday, September 4, 2022

15,562. RUDIMENTS, pt.1,296

RUDIMENTS, pt.1,296
(I'm quite tired of the routine)
I always used to think about
what people took away from
everyday 'culture'  -  as most
Americans would call it anyway.
It seemed to me that not very
much sunk in; they just gobbled
it all up as it was doled out to
them, and without much of
any discernment or second 
thought. Whatever was given
out, presented, was taken by
the mass and engulfed; I don't
think anyone ever really stopped
and thought things over.
As a for instance, sometime
about 1966, one of the Beatles'
songs that got tons of public
airplay (I can't remember
exactly, but 1966 seems right),
was called  'We Can Work It
Out.' As I reviewed that song,
it seemed to me that it was
about the most passive-aggressive
song that ever was, but no one
even blinked. If you read the
lyrics, they only resound with
domination, but in the guise of
a 'view' of compromise and
agreement. But it's the complete
opposite. This smarmy guy
speaking wants things done
one way, his and only. In the
false front of compromise. It's
domineering and really controlling,
and I wondered, by the lyrics,
if anyone ever really thought it
through. Apparently not. It, to
me, mostly brought to mind the
same cruddy politics of Lyndon
Johnson, President at the time,
who was always backing off
from deeper engagement in
Vietnam (pious bullshit platitudes),
by saying one thing while deepening
the engagement; controlling the
situation with all his 'Come, let us
reason together' crap. It was very
murderous and was churning up
young men left and right. I was
angry over that and knew I wanted
nothing to do with it.
Some people perfectly inhabit that
sort of Beatles' song ethic  -  pushing
and demanding their way, while at
the same time pretending by words
to have only the most sincere and
pleasant intentions of agreement
and compromise. It only makes things
worse, and now, some 50 years later,
it's all come to the fore in the likes
of the mass-emphasis of correctness
and 'feeling' for others, while at the
same time pushing forward a demanding
agenda of 'properly' dictated attitudes
and mouthing platitudes, as if we were
all Bullshit Presidents, about Freedom,
Choice, Diversity, and Care. It's all
the worst sham in the world and we
are no better nor any different, than
Russia or China  -  our means and
approaches may differ, and be softer,
but what we live amongst is a well-
schooled environment of indoctrination,
mind-control, and rote rigidity to NOT
stepping or speaking out of line.
I for one am quite already tired of it,
and the people I see doing it make me
froth. We are forced to accept the
droopy opinions of lackluster minions;
the desert-sand outbursts of people in
control of out entertainment, food,
medical and pharmaceutical industries,
and it's all jammed down our throats
in the names of freedom, choice, and
some new form of fat and feeble
diversity that allows disgusting people
to take control, to ride to the top, and
be used as ammunition for the
insidious, in-our-face, relentless
drive toward acceptance and 
sameness. I accept none of it, and
I'm quite tired of the routine.
Essentially, as a nation, we've now
bankrupted ourselves, through debt,
fake money, inflated values, coinage,
prices and rhetoric. There's not a one
in public arenas who speaks the truth
and forthrightly calls anyone out. It
all, instead, just rolls along through
payoffs, deals, buy-outs, theft,
dishonesty, mental pilferage, lies,
and complete dishonesty. TV's talking
faces are simply disgusting. Why?
Much like that song, no one stops
to really listen, or think about what's
going down? In 1966, a savage
nation of mutants was allowed,
through advertising, to drink and
smoke itself to death, to laugh at
foibles and eccentricities, poking
fun at Jose Jimenez, as it were. Now
a person would be dead for doing
that. That sort of humor lies dead
on the floor, yet we suffer the new
concealment of catering now to the
lowest. We've slowed down the
efficient train for the least among
us, which may have some weird
sort of Biblical-injunction correctness,
but which, as a society and as a
ruling governance is nothing but
deadly and which makes a lie of
everything America once stood for,
or was pretended to stand for.
People today little understand what
1966 was like. I face death now,
everyday, but in 1966, in my own
18-year-old maturation, I faced
death too  -  at the hands of the
same insincere, bullshit politicians
who sent ignorant boys off to
Vietnam to cover their political
deceit and lies. No one will ever
know how many young lives were
twisted and deformed because of
that  -  and I don't mean the ones
who went. I mean me; among those
who stayed, and fought back, and
said to the man 'This is bullshit!'
We're all victims of that. And it's
only now gotten much, much worse.
Crooked, demented, groveling
political types controlling the new
masses through conceit, theft, lies,
disinformation, and money.

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