Monday, September 12, 2022

15,584. I GO FORWARD

I can't remember the vagaries of
this mess, though I turn pages and 
keep looking. But what is this book
I keep? Shadows and spectres haunt.
No gold in the world can ever redeem
this hurt. I go forward.
Here is the gaunt factory-man who
worked his deadly hours making
auto-parts for Sunday-mechanics
and noontime Masons. Nothing now
but spills of oil on the pavement.
They sink in, eventually absorbed,
but they never disappear. No mere
scouring will ever get them out.
You wish to hear me more? I am
a saint in an evil cloak  -  I can
give you my number, but I don't
have a phone. I close the very
windows at dawn, to keep the
miserable daylight out.

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