Sunday, October 29, 2017


I was holding a kettle of fish at the
landfill by Carlton Road, where my old
girlfriend used to live. Her father had a
series of bungalows there too that he'd
rent out to boat people and those needing
a break. It was a sort of vacation community
with the pizazz and the spice. I used to tell
her she was probably crazy and it wasn't any
landfill at all. First off, they never put a landfill
near the coast, because of seepage, (she said,
'Wrong! Look at Fresh Kills on Staten Island!').
Then I'd said that you couldn't just dump trash
on sandy surface, (and she'd say, 'Wrong! Look
at Fresh Kills on Staten Island!'). I eventually
got tired of arguing, and we broke up.
So, anyway, I found myself near there again
this day, and begin thinking of her. I never found
out where she ended up; tried thinking of a
hundred jokes about where she may be, but I
looked over and, sure to say, that landfill was
now a mall, and, instead of seeing her and all,
what I saw was, 'Jack In the Box, Wendy's, Bed
Bath and Beyond, Target, Home Depot, Michael's,
Colorado Cafe, Starbucks, an old Sears, and a
Castleman's Toys & Hobbies.' Sure, enough,
go figure, they can't build all that on landfill
acres. (She said, 'Wrong! Look at Fresh Kills
on Staten Island!').

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