Sunday, October 29, 2017


As soon as they came to town most
everyone already knew  -  two Russian
guys with  loads of Russian mob cash.
They talked funny but they talked fast :
about buying houses and empty lots,
the run-down homes that no one really 
wanted, making contracted deals for
pavings, roofs, and driveways. Even
once, I saw a basketball court installed
in some Arab guy's yard. They worked
a lot, but they never worked hard. I think
most people were scared of them; not so
sure what they were up to, or doing. Down
the end of Forsip Street, the main drag
that was really Rt. 41 through the county,
the bought the old 'Fractured Burgers' place
and started it up again, something newer 
called 'Ivan's Meat Factory'  -  pretty much
the same deal, a few tables and the counter,
burgers and chicken and fries, a couple of
contented, pretty girls on tap. The registers
rang pretty good, right off; at least it started
fast. But did it last? I never went back to see.
Those two guys, in time, became four and 
then six and then more  - they're still fixing 
up things around, from a couple of red pickup
trucks and a few soiled work vans. Mexicans
and Russians, hand in hand  -  but that's
America today.

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