Tuesday, October 17, 2017

10,066. EVERY TIME

Every time I think of doing something
and then I realize I haven't done it and
then I realize it wasn't worth doing anyway. 
It's a wash. But oh so annoying. And then,
to make it worse, I go ahead trying to explain 
to myself the whys and wherefores of the doing
or not, and that just makes things worse again. 
So, I never know right where I end up. Friends
in an envelope. Like a packet of seeds, each
watching my discontent? I wouldn't know
where to turn. I'm awful at alms-giving too.
The day I was born, I'm told, the witch-lady
living downstairs predicted I'd be an evil
nothing until the end of my days : which she
compacted to be about 40 years. She anointed
my room with some fragrant oil, telling my
mother 'Maybe only maybe this can hold the
bad things off.' I remember, the very next
day, someone carefully cleaning those walls.

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