Monday, December 24, 2018

11,420. THE WAY

The way things are going
I'll never see the end. That's
a completely stupid thing
to say, because that's really
the ONE thing you can be
most certain of.
Off to my left, the ski trails
can be seen on those old
Hunter Mountain trails.
Man that stuff sickens me.
Little, crinkly people in their
SUV's and ski-rack wagons
driving through here like
their ass was on fire.
Some girl, I heard, on Trail
29, what's here called the
'Mohawk Turn' OD'd on
hot chocolate. I guess I
wouldn't doubt that, but
can it be done?
Oh, if I were a skeleton on
the Mahogany Trail instead,
they'd all sure know about
that. It'd be the talk of the town.

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