Saturday, December 1, 2018

11,358. RUDIMENTS, pt. 520

RUDIMENTS, pt. 520
(the old map of Avenel is better than the new)
When I was about 10, there
was a field next to the First
Aid Squad building. It's now
a long-time Krauzser's and
a small office building.
(Krauzser's is a convenience
store, and the office space
is vacant and for rent).
Anyway, one night in a
long ago March, aliens
landed there. There had
also been a craft landing
in the far rear of my house,
on Inman  -  out the rear
yard, across the tracks, in
the small, unsettled section
of woods that ran between
the prison farm and the
Security Steel (later General
Dynamics) wooded truck
entry road (now the entry
from Rahway Avenue for
construction vehicles to
the current welfare project
apartments being built all
along there, on both sides).
Back then there was also
another chain of convenience
stores, (failed, didn't last),
named Cumberland Farms,
which is now an Italian grocer
and Av-Wood liquors, in yet
another little strip-mall junk
area. Across from that, a bit
off, is Ideal Trailer Court.
There was also a landing
down in those low, wooded
swamp-lands. There was an
Esso Station near there, now
a Dunkin' Donuts dump.
(Dumpin' Donuts dunk?).
These landings, the three
that I know of, filtered down
out of the sky like mist, and
only formed themselves into
something when they 'landed'
I found a lot of this out from
the landing behind my house,
at the cornfield and prison
farm. In that location, the
two resultant 'aliens' took
the form of two wandering
vagrant types, or bums,
walking the tracks. It was
a good cover. They would
leave things behind, yes, but
all traces would eventually
disappear  -  two or three
days later everything had
de-materialized, or whatever
you might call that strange
no-evidence dispersal.
Upon first seeing them (a
sort of 'light' that I had
noticed from my upstairs
rear widow had caught my
attention, and I went out
there to see), I was totally
unsure of what I was
witnessing, and I at first
mistook the entire scene
for what I figured had been
the installation of a new
lamppost. There was a
railroad call box, with
a phone inside  -  (a direct
line to some sort of emergency
service desk in case of a
mishap. We used to prank
the live phone often)  -  on
a pole nearby, so I simply
had connected it all as one
in my boy-brain. Once I
understood it was NOT that,
I saw the two guys. They
were harmless and friendly,
and said they'd 'been expecting'
me. Weird, thought I, how!
There was a circle of clearing
where they were, with some
things there, and I walked
over  -  more or less it was
involuntary, but I went with
it. I wasn't scared, more
inquisitive and confused.
I was, or felt I was, glad
that Spring was approaching,
but my immediate feel was
that, 'Hey, had they put that
thought in my mind? Or
was it my own?' The one
guy laughed, as if he'd
read my thoughts. He said,
'Take it easy, we're all the
same, and we're all like this,
you're all like this, it's nothing.'
I guess that was meant to set
my mind at ease, but I already
knew how much I usually hated
that 'we're all the same' crap. The
last thing, I felt, was that we were
all the same  -  heck, I was meant
to be different. Ever since the
train wreck and my coming back
awake into this stupid life, it was
my determination that I was
somehow already quite different
and dumped here for a reason.
Fairly much what these guys
were saying  -  but they had it
all generalized out. I paraphrase
from deep memory. 'This whole
town is filled with many of us.
We merge, and then we forget
about our origins. This is a live
vortex area, it's easy for us to
slip in here, the enter. Anything
we do, we make up along the
way, as we are doing it. That's
the essence of the voyager life.
We're far from home, but we're
not either. There is no space,
and we're not traveling. It all
just comes to be. This will all
be gone soon, but we'll be
well-seeded by then, filling
the gaps between your spaces,
with people, what you call
'people' anyway.' As he talked,
he was looking at me, deeply.
The other guy, who'd been
silent, was moving things
around on the ground. He
came over and handed me
two black 'rocks' or whatever
they were. (I still have them,
oddly chipped, about the size
of the kind of rocks you might
find in your yard, a bit larger.
All my life I've kept them. They
both sit, right now, in my van,
and have usually been in the
glove box of whichever vehicle
I had at the time). He was
putting sticks and branches,
on the ground, in some off
configuration. They stayed
a day or two, these two gents,
and then just walked off.
I never saw them eat or
rest or any of that stuff,
and then they were
memory. The only other
person (I'd never told
anyone) who somehow
had an inkling of this, or
of their presence there,
was my neighbor friend,
Barry  -  a few houses
off. He kind of made a
huffy 'Martians have
landed' neighborhood
noise about it all, and
for one night a group
of us (mostly just me,
him, and Bob Shipley)
walked out there with
sticks, ready to fight
the invaders  -  but when
we got there we couldn't
find a thing. I never let
on about any of it that
I knew.
The one guy  -  another odd
thing, had told me of the three
spots near, where there had
been landings (the three I
described in the opening), but
he told me that they configured
a triangle, a form/shape they
had to adhere to to draw the
needed energy for their
presence. In my head, I could
not in any way see it as a
triangle. In fact, it was more
almost a straight line, those
three locations. That always
struck me as odd, and I never
got over it, and it always,
from that day on, jaundiced
my view of mathematics and
algebra and trigonometry and
all that stuff. Engineering too,
pretty much. I realized it was
all a mental thing, a concept
at work, working itself out,
like those guys, and changing
definitions as they went along.
Spatial connections meant
nothing anyway, if you could
just prance through them and
materialize or de-materialize
what you were doing at will.
Even 'travel' at that point had
lost all meaning. I remember
later in life, in Metuchen,
walking down Main Street
and always passing the three
or four high-level travel
agencies there  -  all these
people with money having
agents to make their vacation
and itinerary plans for them,
posters of Acapulco and
Thailand and Greece and
Rome. I used to laugh at
how the idiots were just
pissing it all away with
these weird ideas of
destinations and places
and routes. Oh well, if
they only knew -  but if
they 'knew,' then they
would no longer be
themselves, be them,
be what they were.
And, lastly, one very weird
thing about this: For the first 
years or so, after we moved
in the new house (1954), there
was a large oak tree in the rear,
along the property line by our 
house and Miranda's house.
The neighbors, the Mirandas,
had it taken down eventually but
at first, when my father used to
use the driveway to park in
(that too stopped after a while)
he'd park up at the end, and
I could lean on the car bumper
(front) andI used that large
tree as my steady reference
point each time I studied or
 gazed at the skies  -  moon 
position, the two dippers, etc.
I got pretty good at all that.
Weirdly enough, right about
where that big trees was was
the 'triangle' point, if I 
imagined one, between the
Big Dipper (Ursa Major), the
treetop, and the approximate
area of their 'landing'  -  those
guys. Coincidence, I guess. Every
so often, by the way, now, I walked
the tracks to get to that location
again and just gaze around me. I
can hardly believe what I see.
It's like, in the 1960's, there was
a comedy/skit group called
The Firesign Theater  -  sort of
like Monty Python stuff. Funny,
deep, and zany LP's, all
together. They had one called
'How Can You Be In Two Places
At Once When You're Really
Nowhere At all.' That was
just how I felt.

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