Thursday, November 30, 2017


Inundate the wayfarer who passes too
swiftly; drown him then, with beans and 
butter. The way Hubert Braun reveres fat.
Injuries to the palate can affect one's speech
for life. Or, sometimes they can be fixed.
Palates, that is, and then I guess what they
mean is that the speech gets fixed too, but
more automatically then by plan. That's a
weird consideration. Just another reason,
this doctor guy said, to wear a seatbelt.
He mentioned that he'd had, over the 
years, a few cases of horribly-shattered
faces and jaws (and palates too, I guess
he was meaning) from smashing into
dashboards and steering wheels. But,
I said, but, aren't airbags supposed to 
get their first, and stop all that with a
violent pillow? Yes, he said, but I go
back a long ways, before all that, even
to when the dashboards were still hard
metal. Wow, I realized, he was an old 
man, but he was even older than I had
thought if he could remember all that.

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