Wednesday, November 8, 2017

10,155. RUDIMENTS, pt. 129

RUDIMENTS, pt. 129
Making Cars
One day I awoke and I just knew
I was different. Completely so, and
not just from the train accident, but
internally. I could sense that my
attention was elsewhere, and
my language came from another
place entire. Until I really got
myself up to speed, it was pretty
difficult. Something was going
on with me, a river was running
through me, of other matter. I
recognized it, I knew what it was
saying, and I had accepted the
assignment. I just wasn't sure
how to proceed. It took many
years. Awaking from that coma
I'd been in, all those hospital days
and the rest, I darted in any number
of precocious directions  -  seminary
for age 11, and all the great material
that brought me (that was all written
before me, I just was a walk-on), then
the desultory return for a short spate of
hometown crap again, then New York
City, and then all the Pennsylvania and
upstate stuff. Everything was germane
to where I was headed. There's a piece
in Proverbs that, once I bumped into
it, spoke to me as if a loud voice
in a deep cathedral was speaking :
"The Lord possessed me in the
beginning of his ways, before he
made anything from the beginning.
I was set up from eternity, and of
old, before the earth was made...I
was with him forming all things; and
was delighted every day, playing before
him at all times, playing in the world.
And my delight was to be with the
children of men." (Proverbs 8:22-3, 30-1).
Once that hit me, all was good. I was
soaring, unfettered, and free. I could
sense it, that part within me that read
such processes  -  the course of the
challenge after that was to align the
rest of the world with my vision of it
and my terms, not theirs. In the same
way that William Blake said he had
to 'create his own system or be enslaved
by another man's,' I too had to actualize
my own own comportment and means
and behavior. It was to be difficult, but
I knew I was to do it.
I had to wonder 'where' it all came from.
I had to wonder the language. It was
all a challenge, because there was no
one to whom I could turn, as a peer,
and as an experienced second. 'Are you
experienced,' as Hendrix put it, 'well,
I am,' took on a whole other, shocking,
meaning. Any of this, my wondering
'where it all came from,' had to touch
on certain mysterious, eternal, questions.
What is the mystery which I was imbued
with, what exactly was flowing into me?
It was certainly 'from beyond,' and still
is. Undeniably so, and only a fool would
turn away from the self-recognition that
makes things what they are. It couldn't
be taken for granted; it had to be groomed.
It demanded attention  -  in fact it demanded
an alteration to my entire life, if I was
to follow it. One interesting problem
was that I was tying to solve the mystery,
yet each thing I did tended to increase
the mystery  -  and most certainly in
the eyes of others. That became, for
one thing, a real problem within the
grotestqueries of the business and job
world I'd stupidly fallen into. I was
unable to adapt, and my floundering
ways probably did just look stupid, for
years and for at least 80% of my time.
Just more failure, just another unhinged
grip on jagged and dangerous rock. A
lot of people in my situation die. I didn't.
I was beyond the usual definitions of speech,
and beyond normal discourse  -  which is
all pretty much what you get paid
for at a job.
The riddle remains concealed. All I have
left is that which I do. There's no more
spinning than the tales I spin, which 
are what they are and come out of a
resource of real memories. Simple as
all that. When I look back on my life,
I see that it's broken into segments; which
are always surprising to me  --  there are
so many and the cut-offs between them 
all are seemingly so neat. They weren't
actually neat at all  -  each was painful 
and often audacious. I often do weird
little mental things as I think back. For
instance, right now it's late 2017, with 
the year quickly running out. I think back
to the turn of the millennium, or whatever
all that is called now  -  perhaps there's a
phrase already in place covering it  -  and
I can remember precisely and exactly the
times and the places, where I was and 
what I was doing, NYC, NJ, and the rest, 
day by day, and I will be, eventually, 
getting to a lot of that  -  but that is not 
my point here. What strikes me the most 
about this, the form and the working of 
it, is that that's 17 years. 17 years is 
also the period of time it took me to grow
from birth to age 17, probably the most
momentous segment of my pale life. It's
a bit shocking, being thought of in that
way, because I'm not so sure I have 
another 17-year segment to do, sorry 
and unfortunately. Of course, I can
stagger that time in any of many,
more advantageous segments, 12, 10,
etc., so realign this, or make it not seem
so major. It's all liquid time at this point,
and I can make it flow as I choose. 
At Mustang Sally's that Millennial day,
(that's a not-worth-very-much bar in
Midtown), I entered to see what was 
up. There were five or ten helicopters, 
high, high up, stationary, in place above 
midtown. From anyplace in the streets
below, even with the mid-day traffic 
noise and usual clatter, you could hear 
the thump-thump of these stationary
helicopters high above, so everyone 
knew and was aware. It was rather 
strange, almost eerie. Inside the bar
some bigmouth had taken over the 
proceedings, blabbing aloud about 
how he knew so much about the day's
security efforts, the week's, in fact,
because of the Y2K threats and all
that stuff. He said those helicopters 
above were watching everything,
radio contact was everywhere, and 
that, with their high-powered telescopes 
and things on board, if you were reading
a book down on the street below, they
could read it with you and see what 
it was. The TV's inside were all on,
the new year and new century had 
already begun, out in the far Pacific 
or somewhere, and they were tracking 
it all as it came westward, crossing 
Europe and all that. It was certainly
novel, and quite exciting and, yes,
momentous. Seated not too far from 
me was as interesting couple, happy
with conversation and such. In the
midst of this odd scene, we began 
talking, and it turned out - she was
from Missouri somewhere, and he 
was from somewhere else, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, I can't recall. They'd
never met before, except on some
online dating thing where they'd been
conversing, back and forth, and they'd
decided, each of them, to come to NYC
at the Millennium turnover, and meet,
right here, by some sort of pre-arrangement,
each other, for the very first time.
It was pretty cool, and quite a
nice situation. Anyway, that's one
memory. And no, even though the
thoughts crossed my mind, I didn't
ask them about any planned sleeping
arrangements or alternative plans
if they found they really didn't click.
I just hoped for the best.

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