Sunday, April 5, 2015


(Just another true story)
Here in the Alps, I've got the happiness fix.
Here, in Virginia, I've got the happiness fix.
Here, in Lomax County, Alabama, I've got 
the happiness fix. She's green and she's blue,
he's black and he's yellow, and what care I
for any difference between the two. If there
may be a moment like this again, I will go 
to Maine and Georgia. You will mix me 
up a cocktail or two?
The most modern and the newest of space-saving
devices I shall design. Close the cosmos up, wrap
it over an envelope of changing dimensions. That
is precisely my mission now, in this vagrant's life.
My thoughts for supper you can have on a platter.
The world I inhabit is a senseless, brutal thing, and
I witness no meanings in all the caverns I explore :
that man's dog just jumped up onto that girl's body
with its standing feet  -  this is true  -  throwing her 
off her stride, and pushing her back from the pelvis
out. There seemed now to be something in her eye.
The guy comes over, I swear, and says to her :
'did that dog just penetrate your vagina?'

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