Thursday, April 23, 2015


Serendipitous followers, all in one place. We're roiling
the hillside ourselves with new flowers. The thin man
has a pencil thinner than he is, and he draws lines on
the landscape in time. Cars are parked, over the cliff.
We take no measures, we call no ends  -  limitless
futures, owing no one any thing. Some men, I notice,
stand up front and speak to classes of listeners. I'll
have none of that : the radical black in his beret, 
spouting poetry to all his daughters and sisters.
Imiri Baraka again in disguise, and 'How I
Became Hettie Jones' in his eyes.
There's a backstory to everything, but if you don't
wish to get there then don't start the looking; the
path is a twist and it's treacherous too. That hillside,
those flowers  -   they are nothing of what they seem.

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