Friday, April 24, 2015


Each time I turn around it's another ending
again; the week is over, this task is done,
someone else is gone, that one is dead. As if
embedded in a frozen circumstance  -  some
Idaho steak in a lethal freezer  -  I can't even
shout back. This time, it is over, and I have
lost. The girl I'm with always says 'it comes
in threes'. I'd like to believe in something, 
yes, but, no, not that.
If it comes in threes, then why don't I get it :
like the rest, Trinity, Triune, perfect multiples
of, always, 9. What's it all about this time?
(Senorita, do you know the way I am looking
back at you  -  bringing me another silly drink
so we can talk about nothing? Was Zapata or
Rivera ever here with you? Am I too late for
that party too? Me, Zapata, Rivera, and you.
Perhaps not three, but it'll have to do. All
those rolling deaths then let them come
as they may. Any count will is too few
when I am here with you). 

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