Wednesday, April 29, 2015


To Hell with Hades! Does that make any sense?
Here in Chambeltown, instead, the people all sit
about, with their all day suckers and listening to
Lemmy Kilmister singing acoustic solo. What
to do about that? Over in the exhibit hall, the
high-school seniors are having their art exhibition:
the usual stuff, like high-school art students
everywhere  -  unsure, tentative, too colorful,
immature. The cleavage on that girl in a beret,
painted in blues  -  no, it just doesn't work.
They've asked me to take center stage at 2pm, and
read a few lousy, dissenting poems  -  kids in stalls,
like cattle, sitting around, drinking soda and laughing.
Yes, they'll laugh like hyenas at whatever I say. Well,
anyway, until I get to the parts about their mothers.
And that girl, in the wierd, blue beret.

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